
why The Matrix is real.
(In a way simple for people to understand.)

Critical MASS Size is the common denominator.
This is the Third Time in Human Evolution.
First we had to move from the bicameral mind to the
conscious mind to be able to create and use
higher level abstractions.
Society reached a Critical MASS Size.
(Tower of Babel)
Second was the Abstract concept of Zero.
Business reached Critical MASS Size
(counting inventory, money and simple math).
The Zero got us past limited Roman Numerals.
Third time it's the Critical MASS Size of
Abstraction Sets.
As over 3000 programming language are only a part of the
computer industries AWA Broadcast Babel Tower.

This third Solution is what the Movie is a
M E T A p h o r


The symbolism of the "pebble into a pond" Helicopter
smashing into the Building is:

When Bill Gates Yelled "PIRACY" at the Birth (introduction)
of computers into the consumer market, it was like dropping
a pebble into a growing pond.

Where the wave continues out in disruption of the growth edge.

The Honest became Distrustful from being called
Pirates and the Dishonest rationalized their actions.

Bill Smashed a Beautiful Natural Spectrum of Development

So we have the helicopters Double-edge Blades cutting into
windows, causing a wave and


Philosophy is a tool,
Intended to help one live productively in accord with reality.

Many philosophies fail to do this by failing to accept
something about being human.

Often the errors of a philosophy is a result of intentional
evil genuis...



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