

Meta Cortex - Meta CORTECHS - MetaPhors


Mind Core-Technology FOR

The Natural Laws of the Physical Phenomenon


the carrier wave

of how we use ABSTRACTIONS

of communications


THREE Agents: (The primary programming triplet)
1-Input (an agent)
2-Processing (agent Smith)
3-Output (another agent)
Nebuchadnazzer = the ship each of us are.
Containing the NINE things we do in anything we do.

1-Switch - To start/stop something
2-Apoc - To keep track of time and place
3-Tank - To obtain/get something
4-Mouse - Where to get something from
5-Dozer - To give/send something
6-Neo - To do things ONE step at a time
7-Morpheus - To Look-up meaning of things
8-Trinity - To identify things
9-Cypher - To constrain what you look-up (morpheus)
and identify (trinity)
The Zion codes - The uniqueness of each one of us in our
talents, knowledge, skill, experience, life, etc..

-- identify --


The AI (artificial intelligence) is the by-product illusion
of using this carrier wave thru the tool of computers.
But in hiding the fact of AI being AN ILLUSION:
Is what makes it wrong!

Artificial Intelligence - Nothing is naturally that stupid!


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Timothy Rue   What's DONE in all we do?   AI PK OI IP OP SF IQ ID KE
Email @      >INPUT->(Processing)->OUTPUT>v
Web @  ^<--------<----9----<--------<
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