Although I can reference alot of things, I'll only mention two here: Scientific American, September 1994, article "Software's Chronic Crisis" note page 92. Comdex Spring 1995, Power Panel "What's Wrong with Software Development". An audio tape of this power panel can be obtained from Conference Copy at (717) 775-0580. Tape #903A-05. I attended this power panel and didn't get a chance to make a comment and ask a question or two. Alot of important topics were touched on but it became apparent there was no workable solution being brought forward that would satisify everyone. The audience reduced it's size near the end, with many realizing this. The Comment: Whether I'm a programmer or user, I think I should be able to define the objective and let the system come up with an answer or two. I believe the system, if it needs to, should present me with further questions or interfaces to allow me to better define the objective. And if need be, the system might connect to a network or direct with a resource system, regardless of distance, to get the information it needs, to reach the objective. The language(s) one programs in should not be an issue but an option. The Question: Is it possible that everyone is to close, to subjective, to see the solution? Can't see the forest for the trees? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *** IMPORTANT - This document is an earlier published work and does not contain current information. It is posted here as a reference only. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN DOCUMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- A Virtual Interaction Core (VIC) for an A.I. - Alternating Interface ------------------------------------------------------------ Knowledge Navigational Mapping and Exploration/Expression Tools and The Knowledge Calculator Copyright 1994 By: Timothy V. Rue (see copyright notice at end of document) --------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION: This paper present a method for mapping and navigating knowledge. The form of knowledge representation is only limited to the abilities of the system it is used on and devices attached and accessed by the system, this includes robotic devices as well as yet to be developed devices. The only other limitations are system architecture, speed, memory, and storage but these are improving in time with technological advancements. The vision of this paper is to produce a "knowledge calculator". A system not only able to navigate current knowledge but calculate new realms of knowledge. With the mass amount of knowledge today, there exist yet to be accessed or explored areas of the currently possible, waiting for someone to conceive, pursue, calculate, and establish. Many of todays problems have solution but not the man/mind power to consider all the available possibilities. And advanced but distant realms of knowledge receives even less thought, for lack of enough established base knowledge. Fiction is the classification given to distant possibilities. But it is clear much of the fiction of yesterday is now a fact of reality. Mans imagination is the direction of knowledge exploration and establishment and is not limited to the base of established knowledge. However, much of mans knowledge advancing efforts are put into establishing small steps in the evolution of knowledge (in comparison to all that is possible). And these small steps are constrained by the limit of current established and accessed knowledge. The problem: filling in the possible knowledge maps between point "a" (current knowledge) and point "b" (new knowledge) at the limited speed of mans mental rate and knowledge accessing ability and willingness. To be clear, computing power continues to be an ever increasing aid in research and development, but missing is the ability of computers to apply imagination in searching for solutions. The purpose of the knowledge calculator is to help solve this problem and at the speed, knowledge accessability, and computation abilities of computers. The "theory base" is that there exist the possible, both known and unknowned, the real and the currently just imagined. But knowledge is only a representation of part(s) of the possible and in a form that can be communicated. Given enough parts, new knowledge can be calculated, established and built upon into distant (under current methods) advanced new knowledge. The "theory" is: There exist constants within the process of mans imagination which can be identified and used to map and navigate knowledge, both current and projected. That this process can be applied to a computer system to allow the speed and knowledge access abilities of a computer to greatly aid in the direction and development of knowledge. Although human imagination has no limits, human communication does. Imagination constants may be identified but communication requires the ability to map and navigate what imagination creates. Some examples of knowledge mapping and navigational tools would include language definitions (including programming languages), the dictionary, math, physical world and fantasy world maps, technical manuals, library references, etc.. One of my favorite examples of a knowledge map is the Thesaurus. Computer programs are a form of knowledge navigation, mapping, and communication. Consider image generation software, it is built upon and makes use of many established knowledge maps.From minerals to computer electronics, from the concept of "on and off" to hardware switches and the software to flip the switch. Knowledge that can be mapped and communicated through textual formats (as is the format of most of mans communicated knowledge.) But the results of the application software, an image, is not as easily communicated in textual format. Showing how mapping and navigation can go beyond it's own mapping format to express a non-textual format. Now consider an artist and his mineral based paints as he produces a painting, and consider the differences in the processes, results, time and accuracy in the creation of an image by the painter and the software operator. Each brush stroke is placed with intent by the painter. The image software user only needs to do some of the work, perhaps not knowing what he will get. * It is well worth noting that there are cases where artifical Intelligence/Life programs have uncovered missing or new knowledge and at the supprise of the user. Leonardo da Vinci, known as a painter but was also a sculptor, architect, musician, engineer, mathematician, and scientist. Consider his works and the question of "what mental tools did he use in his imagination process? And what could man have achieved had Leonardos imagination process been applied by computers?" A word of caution is in order. It is inherent with such a system capable of making use of imagination processes to be able to produce everthing between pure fiction to pure fact as well as alot of garbled nonsence. As a result of this, it would be easy to view the system as producing foolishness and genius. Also possible, in a dedicated manner, the system can perform an established set objective over and over, not using imagination processes but just the functionality of the system, and with certainty. I followed the field of artifical intellegence for many years after I began developing what is contained in this writing. At times I saw what appeared to be important steps in the direction of my work only to realize the needed "connection" was not being identified. Much the same as Graham Bell and the telephone, only it took an accident for that "connection" to happen. But with this line of research an accident is a great deal less likley to happen, if at all possible. Technology has evolved, Object Oriented Programming and Neural Nets have captured the focus and efforts of many, and I realize these are useful and powerful tools. And I have no doubt much of the same ground will be covered again with these new tools. There will always be new tools, but I have to come to the conclusion that if the "connection" was not made with earlier tools capable of doing so, little reason exist to believe new tools will lead to the "connection." And considering the trend of the newer system user interfaces (icon driven) the possibility seem to grow smaller. --------------------------------------------------------------------- PHILOSOPHY: Philosophy, though important, is a matter requiring more writing than I currently have time for, so I'll leave it up to skeptics, critics, writers and available works. But it is this time and resource limitation that has inspired me to write this paper, so I may present this system to others with the available time and resources to development it into a tool of benefit to knowledge advancement. However, I feel it's important to touch on a few things. 1) There is the possible in physical reality, within and beyond our current knowledge. 2) We define our reality and create tools based on what we define. Then we use these tools to refine and/or re-define our reality. Knowing our definitions and tools are not perfect but serve us to control physical reality better and better. This process or cycle is a "constant". We discard or replace some tools for better tools. We can also go the other direction by replacing better tools with inferior tools (constrain). 3) To completely understand and control physical reality something changes. The "constant" is understood and applied by choice. The question of "how to do something?", also becomes a choice. The question of "what to do?" becomes the main question. To do something: 3) What to do? Let's do this objective. One of the questions will be "which direction?" Doing means movement and time. 2) We use the constant, set the motion in the direction we want, and apply constraints (tools) to reach the objective. 1) There is the possible in physical reality, within and beyond the current "constraints" of what we are doing. The biggest constraint man is faced with today, is the information knowledge bottle-neck. We have more knowledge than we can properly process. And this is causing limitations on the decisions and direction we take with knowledge and technology. As the game of chance grows, so does the stakes. The best, currently possible, decisions are likley to happen less and less, unless. :-) The "constant" does not change, the constraints do. Identify the constant and use it to process and change the constraints to fit the objective (what to do). Or another way, define the objective, XOR the constant to expose the constraints. Objective XOR constraints = constant. Constant XOR constraints = objective Within the environment of computers the smallest information element capable of change is the bit, represented as "1" or "0" and the control that determines the state. The ultimate control being the state of the power switch. A switch externally controlled but also considered "1" or "0". Between the smallest element and the most powerful we have the space and speed of the possible, (within the constraints of the computer environment.) From all "0" all the time to all "1" all the time, there exist the possibilities. From uselessness to usefulness to uselessness. Three states exist for the smallest information element, not used, "1", and "0". Hydrogen. The Questions: What exactly is the constant and how can we apply the constant within the constraints of a computer to remove the information knowledge bottle-neck constraint? Answering these questions is the ultimate objective of this paper and effort that has lead to this paper. The constant requires direction, movement, and "constraints that can be changed" to obtain the objective. The Possible --------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Constant - direction, movement, and constraints Secondary Physics - time, energy, and matter Primary Programming - process, decision, and input/output Secondary Programming - sequence, selection, and iteration Relationships --------------------------------------------------------------- E=Mc² - Einstein - E = Energy M = Matter c² = Light squared T1=T2k - Spinoza - T1 = nonmystical thought T2 = physical reality k = the active constant T1(I°+E°)=vT2(k) - Di Silvestro - I° = degree of intent E° = degree of effort v = velocity of conversion E+Mc² = the constant T1+T2k = the constant (T1(I°+E°))+(vT2(k)) = the constant --------------------------------------------------------------- We define our understanding of reality (physics). Then we build computers using the tools of physics. Through computers we represent and process concepts originating from our thoughts. Using the tool of computers to process concepts, we refine and/or re-define our perspective of reality. We have been using the constant without completely identifying, understanding, and controlling it. The Virtual Interaction Core (VIC) is an effort to identify and use the constant within the constraints of a computer. There is the theory and there is the application. The application does not yet exist that I know of. But the parts do exist, or at least enough of the parts, to know the VIC configuration is beyond theory. The creation of the application requires some alteration and integration of the existing parts. The depth of the described functionality may not be quite correct but the only way to determine this is to create the VIC and use it to find any errors or exception that cannot be handled. It should be able to handle exceptions (those within the inherent constraints of the system) and in finding one or more exception failures should signal the existance of an error(s). I do not claim this is the best, complete, or absolute minimum (primary) required configuration of a VIC, but it is a start and can be used both productively and to determine what needs change. I do believe there is an ultimate limit to the number of commands and command options required, and that this limit is a small set as it should be. Sometimes I think the VIC concept is stupid. One of two reasons - it is basicly so simple I find it hard to believe it has not been done (but where is it?) or it can easily become to complex (but only by choice). Then I realize this is inherent as this is inherent with computer technology (physics) and programming (representation of thought). ** Power is obtained through structure control of the primary ** ** elements and their changing relationship to one another. ** --------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERVIEW: The knowledge calculator consist of three levels of development: First, for a system to be capable of making use of the processes of imagination it must have virtual interaction ability. And here we begin by identifying and defining the "gears and bearings" required of virtual interaction. The "gears and bearings" include the ability to access, process and store knowledge in a format understandable by man. This is the VIC level. Second, we develope the "cycles and lubricants", the knowledge navigation tools that represent the processes of imagination. The pre-requisite of doing this is to use the "gears and bearings" to establish constants of imagination. This is the Alternating Interface level. Third is the development, access, and processing of established knowledge bases or maps. This is where the end user makes use of the navigation tools to automate the processing of knowledge maps to generate the knowledge paths from point "a" to point "b". This is the Knowledge Calculator level. There is also a fourth level of development but this level goes beyond the abilities of computers. It's the human decision to act on what is calculated. To do something with it, as is so with human decision to flip the power switch of a computer. The concept is for the end user to define the knowledge objective and let the system explore and present the possibilities and perhaps methods of proof to establish validity, if the objective requires verification (non-fiction). In short, the idea is to use the imagination process to access and calculate new knowledge from available knowledge bases or maps. And to automate this through the power of computers and attached devices. --------------------------------------------------------------------- A NOTE ABOUT THE SYSTEM I HAD IN MIND DURING REASEARCH. Before getting into the "gears and bearing" it may be important to note the computer system and additional software that was in mind when I defined the "gears and bearings". The computer is the Amiga for its multi-tasking abilities. The additional software is the freeware shell program "Csh" for its functionality and available source code (using the system with Csh has been the strong consideration.) And the commerical software "AREXX" for its use of the Amigas Multi-tasking and Interprocess Communication abilities. The VIC is a set of shell commands that communicate with each other through files. On the Amiga it might be good to produce this as pure code. --------------------------------------------------------------------- A NOTE ABOUT THE POWER OF THE ALTERNATING INTERFACE It is important to understand that the virtual interaction core, by itself, has limited power. The objective is to make possible the "connection" by providing the functionality to do so and the virtual interaction core benefits from the additional functionality of other command line shell type programs. Programs that can be automated or controlled by external calls, such as AREXX compatable programs, only add to the potential power of the virtual interaction core. Consider AREXXs ability to integrate and automate application programs. And the ability of Csh to add functionality to the command line interface and access AREXX. Now, add the ability to automate the imagination process and ability to access and process established knowledge. Imagine Automating command line, or Csh script, creation and/or execution. Automating AREXX program creation and/or execution. Automating compiled language code generation and/or compling. Automating applications execution and control directly, through Csh scripts, or through AREXX programming. All done without the need for the end-user to know anything about programming but only the ability to define the objective. And it is here where the title "Alternating Interface" is conceived. Through integration and automation it becomes possible for the end user to use the many different user interfaces as tools for defining and refining the objective as well as tools for the system in its reaching the knowledge objective. Doing all this (and more) should be considered a major undertaking, because it is. However, by using a virtual interaction core with a text based primary user interface, it becomes possible to do this in small parts. As more parts are added, the ability of the system grows. And with the right combination of parts and knowledge maps, automation begins. NOTE: It has always been the intent to make the VIC available as freeware so the evolution of a knowledge calculator has the greatest possible growth rate. It should be understood that this paper and the V.I.C./A.I./K.C. is an identification of constants in nature, both physical and imagination, and defined in term of the constraints of computers. Legal copyrights and patents are a product of mans imagination and produce constraints more often to profit financially but can at the same time greatly reduce benefits received. Legalities can produce a mess that prevents any advancements. This would be a great injustice to the betterment of mankind. Nature, both physical and that of imagination cannot be copyrighted or patented. Knowledge bases/maps and output/results can be copyrighted and/or patented. Know the difference, understand and respect my intentions and reasons behind the objective of the VIC being Freeware! Teamwork is very important for everyone! I have no doubt it has long been possible to create such a Virtual Interaction Core and there are probably such programs, programming languages, and systems very capable of doing such. But simplicity, versatility, cost and end-user ease of use are factors taken into consideration. Though I have some programming background, the line of work I've been involved with has not allowed me to better pursue development. After six years of having this in sight and always knowing there will come the level of development that is much more than one person can handle, I believe its time to let it out for others to develope (the inspiration of this paper.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 1 DEVELOPMENT GEARS and BEARINGS of a Virtual Interaction Core (VIC): One may recognize similarities of the concepts and usage of the parts in the "gears and bearings" with existing programs, languages and commands. But keep in mind that it is the sum-total of the parts, the virtual interaction ability, that is the objective. Many of the concepts and facets of the parts have existed for some time, even having established standards to follow. These standards should be considered beneficial because it is the agreeing upon standards that makes communication possible. However, in my search for existing programs and shell commands, I have found there is always something missing or preventing the "connection" from happening. That it is the integration that makes possible the "gears and bearings", the configuration of a VIC. Also, keep in mind the ability to build upon the VIC, other user interfaces. That the VIC is intended to provide the functionality for "connection" with knowledge maps and other programs and the use of imagination processes. Understanding the concept of the parts first, will make it easier to understand the defined functionality of the parts. But first note the following steps of a typical creation process/cycle, from imagination to achieving the objective: Step 1) Imagination/conception of general picture or goal. Step 2) Breakdown into individual parts. Step 3) Fill in the details of parts, keeping the complete goal in mind and going to step 2 if needed. Step 4) Integrate parts to create the whole of Step 1. --------------------------------------------------------- In addition to the basic four above: Step 5) Cleanup of work environment. Step 6) Integration into intended environment and use. We have already done step 1. The following is a loop of steps 2 and 3. We won't start at the beginning, how I determined what the parts are, to save me some writting. But keep in mind, although the parts are few it is the configuration ability that allows for virtual interaction "connection". The command parts are: (AI) Alternating-Interface ---------------------------------------------------------- | (PK) Place-Keeper | | | | (OI) Output-to-Input (or Obtain-Input) | | | | (IP) InPut-set | | | | (OP) OutPut-set | | | | (SF) Sequence-Files (or Script-File) | | | | (IQ) Index-Queue | | | | (ID) IDentity | | | | (KE) KEy (or Knowledge Entry) | |________________________________________________________| AI - start/stop VICs and VIC to VIC control PK - track and alter VIC system sequence positions OI - get input into variable IP - where to get "OI" input and what to get OP - where to send "SF" output and what to send SF - edit script-file lines and/or process, and output IQ - select arguement word definition(s) and output ID - select arguement identification definition(s) and output KE - constrain access and use of definitions (AI) Alternating-Interface - The concept of "AI" is to start-up a Virtual Interaction Core (VIC) with options of setting the starting contents of the core parts and to also shut a VIC down. AI is also used to allow one VIC to control/communicate with another VIC. A name can be given to a VIC to allow several VICs to communicate with each other by name but there is also a number automaticly assigned to each VIC, at startup, and can be used instead of a name. Or both name and number can be used together to distinguish between VICs using the same name. (PK) Place-Keeper - The concept of the Place-Keeper is to keep track of the contents or positions of the core parts including itself. It does this through a "PK-file". PK can also directly alter the contents of the PK-file and change to another PK-file. Generally, the active PK-file is located in RAM (for speed). PK has alot of power over the commands below. (OI) Output-to-Input - The concept of Output-to-Input is, for there to be input, there must be output from something to grab as input. Output-to-Input is a reminder of "Connection". (OI) Obtain-Input (same "OI") - Concept of Obtain-Input is to grab input and place it as the contents of a variable. A very common function but also contained is the data *CLASS* tag of the value as *DEFINED* by IP. Also if the amount of input is larger than a given amount, a file is created and the contents of the variable is the filename. Like PK there is an "OI-file". The file contains the list of variables, data *CLASS* tags and the values. PK cannot alter the contents of the OI-file, only OI can. But PK can change the OI-file used by OI. Generally, the active OI-file is located in RAM. OI can by-pass the IP setting. (IP) InPut-set - The concept of the InPut-set is to select the input device or program-port for OI to use and optionally *DEFINE* the input data *CLASS* tag. This is similar to input redirection control but with the ability to insert a processing step between the incomming input and destination variable. A process that can also generate a data *CLASS* tag. This input setting is contained in the PK-file and can only be altered by PK, but it can be bypassed by OI. Defaults to standard Keyboard as input device. *DEFINE* - This can be considered to be a pre/post-processor, if used, such as a filter, data type identification, or just a user created *CLASS* tag. (OP) OutPut-set - The concept of the OutPut-set is to select the output device or program-port for SF to use and optionally *DEFINE* the output data *CLASS* tag. This is similar to output redirection control but with the ability to insert a processing step between SF and the output device or program-port. This output setting is contained in the PK-file and can only be altered by PK, but it can be by-passed by SF. Defaults to calling device or program-port for output to, but can be set for standard out. (SF) Sequence-Files - The concept of Sequence-Files is to access and control the typical "grab the next line of the active script-file", process it for VIC variables and commands, then pass it on to the device or program-port as set by OP when there is something to pass on (not completely consumed by SF.) Contained in the PK-file is the current stack of SF script-file name(s) with current line number(s) of execution of the script-file(s). Through PK this stack of SF-file name(s) and the line number(s) can be altered to change the up and comming sequence. SF is the user interface for the VIC. It can be iconified, sized just for SF, or full debug/watch of various elements but mostly watch, step, and edit of the current files used. SF has options to step through the processing of script-file lines and to limit processing. The ability to allow the user to directly alter the line being processed and at the different steps in the processing of the line. The user can insert lines to be processed before and/or after the current line and use SF in interactive mode (no SF-file being processed). The option to send the line(s) to a file (tee) with or (redirection) without sending it to the OP defined device or program-port. All this can be done through PK setting the SF-LPC (Line Processing Control) flags. There is a keyboard key combination (Ctrl-P) to toggle step and auto processing. It is also possible for a script-line to select the processing mode, through a PK command call. To properly understand the limitation of SF and PK abilities to alter the sequence, understand that SF only processes the current line for VIC variable and commands, optionally with user interaction, before passing it on to the device or program-port defined by OP. PK, in altering the SF stack only alters the comming sequence of files and/or their next line number(s) that SF processes. SF is where the imagination process is set in motion. Also where knowledge paths are mapped (tee/redirect output, with comments, to file). The SF-script file can be a pipe or port type of temporary file. As is generated by IQ, ID, or external program (such as another VIC or user interface). As well the tee/redirected to file output can also be such a pipe or port type of temporary file, or even a null device so that SF has no output. (IQ) Index-Queue - The concept of Index-Queue is that of search and output. This command has similarities to other search type programs (Csh search, grep, etc..), having flags and pattern matching wildcards. Also similiar to the Csh "man" command in that it can output several consecutive lines from one match. But there are some important overall differences. It has sub-search abilities of two flavors. One of sub-file, and one of sub-definition. KE plays a part in the sub-search choices or direction. There is a temporary internal list of files with "path, name, date, and time" kept to assist in preventing searching through what has already been searched. To understand the search and sub-searches consider the IQ argument as a word-key to match with a word-keyhole in an IQ-file. The IQ-file may also contain file-keyholes and definition-keyholes. Again this will clear in understanding KE. * The objective of the three different keyholes is to allow infinite search depth and constraint versatility. Minimum use is always best (keep it simple) but use is not limited. The successfull search possibilities are: ----------------------------------------------------------------- A) File-keyhole match. (continue search in an additional file) A file-keyhole is found in the current IQ-file and a matching file-key is available, so the file is made the current IQ-file and the search continues in this current IQ-file. B) Word-key match. (output definition) The word-key finds a match within the current IQ-file. There are no file-keyholes or definition-keyholes, so the definition is output. C) Word-key + definition-keyhole match. (output definition) The word-key finds a match within the current IQ-file. There is a definition-keyhole and an available matching definition-key. The definition does not contain a file-keyhole, so the definition is output. D) Word-key + file-keyhole match. (continue search in an additional file) The word-key finds a match within the current IQ-file. There are no definition-keyholes but there is a file-keyhole and a matching file-key is available, so the file is made the current IQ-file and the search continues in the current. E) Word-key + definition-keyhole + file-keyhole match. (continue search in an additional file) The word-key finds a match within the current IQ-file. There is a definition-keyhole and an available matching definition-key. The definition contains a file-keyhole and a matching file-key is available, so the file is made the current IQ-file and the search continues in the current. -------------------------------------------------------- Once a file has been searched then the search picks up where it left off on the previous file. -------------------------------------------------------- F) If no match was found it is possible to have a "match any word" definition at the end of the first file and optionally based on a variable *CLASS* tag. This way a default can exist. ----------------------------------------------------------------- As you can see, a file-keyhole can be in the place of the word-keyhole and definition-keyhole (both non-keyed and keyed). But the word-keyhole and definition-keyhole have only one position. There are a few (default) rules on keyhole placement in an IQ-file. a) All keyholes must be on a line by themselves with the two following exceptions: 1) The file-keyhole is followed by the filename which is separated by a semi-colon. The semi-colon is preceeded and followed by at least one space. 2) Keyholes are preceeded by one or two consective colons starting in the first column followed by at least one space. b) The word-keyhole line starts with a single colon. c) The definition-keyhole line starts with two colons. d) The definition lines have no preceeding colons. e) Comment lines start with three colons. 3) *CLASS* tags (optional). For the file-keyhole the *CLASS* tag follows the filename with a "semi-colon preceeded and followed by at least one space." For word and definition keyholes the *CLASS* tag follows the keyhole with two consecutive semi-colons that are preceeded and followed by at least one space. ***** These rules can be altered by the KEy flags. ****** Unless flagged (IQ flag) to go to a file first, output is to SF, a line at a time and "IQ@LINECOUNT" is added to the SF filename stack. Only one IQ/ID command per AI can be running at a time. But if SF finds an IQ/ID recursive call it gets PK to make a copy of the PK file (including the internal list of files searched - appended to the PK file) and proceeds with the recursion. Making the original the previous PK file. Upon completion returns to the previous PK file and picks up where it left off. NOTE - This action is an assumption the VIC makes when the IQ/ID definition writer (a user) fails to plan otherwise or intends to use the assumption. Any call of IQ or ID from within an IQ or ID definition is an obvious recursion. Because IQ and ID are so similar in search and definition processing, and there are other ways for the definition writer to deal with and control this type of recursion, IQ and ID are considered the same command in regards to IQ/ID type recursion. The VIC assumption lets processing move forward and can be used creatively. When the internal list of files searched is temporarly appended to the PK file, it is read back to internal and removed from the PK file when the file again becomes current. With the option to send output to a file first, if no filename is given a temporary file (IQ##AI##.tmp) is used. It is up to the user or SF script to do something with it. This file(s) will exist until the next "zero level" IQ search from the given AI, so user/SF might want to rename it upon IQ completition. The output file is commented so the user can see exactly where the information came from and how IQ got to it. Comments come from copying the IQ filename line in the PK file as well as from the matching keyholes in the IQ file. Comments are not passed by SF (even if SF is disabled) so SF can be used as a comment filter if needed, but comments are passed by the SF tee to file flag. (ID) IDentify - The concept of IDentify is similar to "IQ" but instead of looking for a word-pattern match it looks for the relationship(s) of its arguement to the VIC first. Then uses the relationship-word-pattern in the definition search (as is done in IQ). This command can be considered similiar to the Class/Actions of Csh but does not work on just files. It is also possible to cause ID to compare its arguement to non-VIC elements, such as external shell variables, system information, etc. This is done in the ID file (as named and changeable in the PK file). Because it is impossible to know or build in all possible relationships checking, the ID file can contain the program name and any arguements it needs to do such non-VIC comparison. This means ID can do more than a relationship comparison (through other programs) related search. This is also where the VIC variable tag-words can be of use. Other than the above, ID performs the same processing sequence that IQ does. Of course, files and other IQ references (made in the above description of IQ) are ID, not IQ. And the format of comparison program names, program arguements, and the relationship-word- pattern, to use if successful, follows the following format. Column one contains a single colon, space, relationship- word-pattern followed by a space, single colon, space, command and arguements to use for the relationship test. The IQ and ID command (after determining relationship(s)) ignore lines starting with a single colon. (KE) KEy - The concept of KEy is best described as using keys to open doors to knowledge and parts usage. It allows "IQ/ID" knowledge constraints to be applied and has the trade off of search time. More constrained, faster search. Keys can be created, changed and removed from the current KE file through "KE". The current KE file can be created, changed or removed through "PK". Keys can have teeth and a master key can exist in the PK file. Keyholes and Keys - pattern matching KE flags are to allow changing the rules on keyhole usage within the IQ/ID files. This will allow different formated knowledge to be used. Also for constraining IQ/ID search to a standard grep type search. This needs to be worked out. File keyholes - When a file keyhole is encountered the following sequence happens: 1) A matching file-key is looked for in the current KE file. If not found, skips file. If found goes to #2. 2) The file-key teeth and master-key teeth are comparied with the file, that keyhole points to, keychain (a commented header that contains a list of all non-word key-teeth in the file, including the blank-key for definitions without a definition-key). If there is not a fit, skips the file. If there is a fit goes to #3. 3) The internal IQ/ID "searched file list" is searched for a matching "path:filename:date/time" of the file to open. If not found, add the file to the top of the IQ/ID stack and internal list, and continues the search in this file. If found then goes to #4. 4) PKs IQ/ID line/stack is searched for the filename and if found, moves it to the top of the stack and continues the search in this file on the line where it left off. If not found, skips the file because it has already been searched. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE FORMATS - the use of colons and semi-colons is intential and is the default but these seperators can be redefined. The intention is to allow file exchange between different commands. It should be understood that files may have protection bits set for read, write, delete. This way it is possible to have a library of different files. Of course, such files can not always be used by the VIC, but an unprotected copy can. "PK" files ---------------------------------------------------------- AI : AI-number : AI-name PK : PK-filename : previous/alt. PK-filename OI : OI-filename : last/alt. OI-filename IP : device ; DEFINE ; Beginning,End-Of-Input-Char(s) : "last/alt. set" OP : device ; DEFINE ; Beginning,End-Of-Output-Char(s) : "last/alt. set" SF : SF-LPC flags ; last/alt. set : SF-filename@line# ;.>running stack> IQ : IQ flags ; last/alt. set : IQ-filename@line# ;.... >running stack> ID : ID flags ; last/alt. set : ID-filename@line# ;.... >running stack> KE : KE flags ; Master-teeth ; KE-filename : "last/alt. set" ---------------------------------------------------------- All but SF have or can have a default setting/filename that is to be used in the event one is not given or removed. IQ and ID, after a search does not remove the first filename but removes the line number. Default filenames and settings are built in where needed, so that on startup (without arguements) the VIC can function. Understand that the current PK-filename will always match the file it is. "OI" files ----------------------------------------------------------- variable-pattern ; class-x tag ; value variable-pattern ;; value variable-pattern ----------------------------------------------------------- "IP and OP" are just lines in the PK file and are defined above. "SF" files - The sequence files can be any script type files. Generally these files contain commands for the VIC but may contain lines for other programs. What is not completely process by the VIC is passed on to the output as determined by "OP" (which can be a shell the VIC is incorporated in.) If incorporated into a shell, it is possible to tell SF not to process a VIC command (say you want to use Csh "foreach" to call a VIC command, you'd need a way to escape or pass the VIC command pass SF. "IQ" files ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ::: comments and headers : : word-keyhole class-x looks to see if var class is related to class-n :; class-x (or *CLASS* which looks to see if the class exist in KE file) : filename-keyhole ; class-x ; filename : filename-keyhole ;; filename :; class-x ; filename :; - looks at class in var then if not exist in KE-file if var has no key but KE-file has ";;" then :;; filename ------------- :: :: definition-keyhole ::; class-x :: filename-keyhole ; class-x ; filename :: filename-keyhole ;; filename ::; class-x ; filename ::; ::;; filename ---------------------------------------------------------------- "ID" files ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; -builtins command command ;; word-key to use command ; class-x to use ; word-key to use command ; class-x to use ------------------------------------------------------------- On key-holes: The word-keyhole is pattern-matched with the IQ word arguement or variable value. The file-keyhole is pattern-matched with keys in the KE-file. The definition-keyhole is pattern-matched with keys in the KE-file. The class-x pattern is checked to see if it is either a parent/ansestor, child, or self ; with the class-x tag given in the OI-file, looking at the KE-file for the relationships. The *CLASS* keyhole checks to see if the variable class-x exist anywhere in the KE-file. "KE" files ------------------------------------------------------------- file-keys file-key ;; key-tooth , key-tooth , ... file-key definition-keys definition-key definition-key ;; class class ;; child-class , child-class , ... class ; parent-class ; child-class , child-class , ... class ; parent-class ;; ------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 2 Development, cycles and lubricants. The Alternating Interface. Developing cycles and lubricants requires understanding how the VIC commands/programs can be used. Programming basics teaches the following primary and secondary concepts: The Three Primary Programming Concepts - process, decision, and input/output The Three Secondary Programming Concepts - these are made up from combining the primary in different configuration. sequence, selection, and iteration These concepts relate to the general picture of the VIC, OI through IP for input. SF through OP for output. PK for iteration SF for processing and sequence. IQ, ID, and KE for decision and selection. but on closer inspection it's hard to say any one part plays only one role. It depends on how one makes use of the VIC and remember VIC means "Virtual Interaction Core". So lets look at some of the main roles the parts can play: AI - Start and stop AI/VICs. And allow VICs to communicate with others through files and AI. Timing between VICs by using AI to control the settings and positions of VICs. A hint of parrallel or networked processsing? PK - Jump from one VIC sequence to another (PK file) within a single VIC. Because only one sequence can be active per VIC, this can act like function calls and can pass information between the inactive sequences through files. It is also possible for a VIC to pick up an inactive sequence started by another VIC. PK can also cause iteration in both SF processing and IQ/ID. OI - Besides getting input from the user it is also useful for getting input from other sources, including other VICs. Remember "OutPut-to-InPut". Output generated from a VIC can be input to the same VIC or another. And because input is to a variable file, the file can be use by more than one VIC at the same time (or near enough the same time). Also, by swapping OI files and/or using the data-tag of a variable, it is possible to setup global and local style variables as well as external application specific variables. Parsing is possible by using the IP and OP setting of beginning and end of input/output characters. IP - Besides determining where OI gets input from, IP can call a filter, data identification program, timestamp, etc. Tagging the input can be from a program or user determined. The tag can be useful in determining, or reminding the user, what the input is to be used for. Also through IP the Begining or End-Of-Input character(s) can optionally be set, allowing for limited input based on char(s). And in using this together with the OP B/E-of-output both beginning and end of input can be determined. OP - Besides redirecting output, OP can call a filter SF - SF can be used for edit, mapping, and debugging. But being the VIC user interface, it can be used to do alot of things in the way of creating or developing imagination processes. IQ - With the IQ files and Keys one can set up a variety of selection methods. Keeping in mind the ability of a match to be able to alter Keys, the IQ stack, and even the word being searched while continuing a search, it is possible to setup complex selection methods. Also possible is to have IQ files which are standard but other IQ files that are user created for the purpose of allowing different paths to the standard IQ files. Consider automated programming, it is possible to have a standard IQ file with code chunks but definition keyholes for different languages. By using the proper (user created) key one can select the proper code chunk. This can happen in a recursive manner, making it possible to get more specific code while prompting the user for any needed information. ID - KE - *********************** Communication, language translation, data conversion. Consider human verbal communication and the numerious languages used, the technical structure of languages and slang use. Add to this variations of use as well as accent used, creativity in poetry, music, jazz using words. From here consider programming languages, formats, etc.. With all this in mind recognize there is no one or few sets or rules, algorithims, or "constraints" that can handle all possibilities although all this falls under the heading of language. The reason is simple. Human Imagination is in use. Both in the use and time line of language development. However, through the use of cycles and lubricants it is possible to develop the individual rules, algorithims, "Constraints" to apply and use without all possibilities accounted for. The ability to allow the evolution towards all possibilities while making use of what currently exist. And to explore, using available cycles and lubricants, possibilities not yet considered. Physics and chemistry are more clearly defined and as such the development of cycles and lubricants is, for the most part, just a matter of definition (rules, algorithims, "constraint") creation. From here exploration via imagination. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 3 The Knowledge Calculator Until more is developed on level two the section can only express general concepts. **** the following will probably be deleted, but serve as concept reminders. While most users of computers today see what computers ARE doing for them, they fail to see what computers CAN do for them. They fail to understand there are possible bigger pictures and completely out of sight is the possible big picture. Few users realize computers have the "ability" to do whatever they are told to do (with bits), if told how. The problem is, nobody has told a computer how to calculate knowledge. At least not so users at all levels can participate. Man knows how to calculate knowledge, otherwise we would not be where we are today with knowledge and technology. But manpower has been limited more than it needs to be, given the technology we have today. When man decides to do something the first thing to do is draw out the general or big picture. Then man breaks the picture down into smaller pictures that may be broken down into even smaller pictures, and so on... Until all the picture peices are simple enough to easily produce. In producing the peices, work on some may begin before others are broken all the way down and some may be waiting for others to be complete before work can be done on them. Eventually all the peices are produced into the big picture. But in this process it becomes important to keep track of what is done, what is being worked on and what is waiting for others to be completed so they may be worked on. Since the building blocks we use within a computer are all made of the same material (bits), we know it is how well we use or control the bits that determines what we can build or do with them. And we have built up a storehouse of tools, standards, and programs to use and control bits. And all this has helped man to advance his knowledge and technology. But with all of the advancements man has made, he is now beginning to lose sight of what all can be done with computers. Not in knowing computers can do alot of things, but in what computers can do to integrate alot of things into a bigger picture and even into the big picture. And it is here where the knowledge calculator comes in. User often know what they would like to do with a computer but don't know how or even if it is possible. Through the use of the knowledge calculator, and proper knowledge bases, the knowledge calculator can answer them. On a bigger scale the knowledge calculator can apply the imagination process to explore possible solutions for problems. Having a computer doing this means mental man power will not be the limitation it was. ***************** The movie industry makes use of established knowledge, standards, and technology to combine reality with imagination. Consider how the VIC and Alternating Inferface may be applied to reach an objective given by the end user. "produce a movie script, for T.V., of an action sci-fi space adventure." Of course this would not be enough information but the system would ask for more details. The end user need not know about the standards of script format or other established standards. This is already established through the available definitions of the IQ/ID files. But consider all that would need to be done by the system to first interpret the objective to outputting the objective. Yes, this is a great deal of data/information/knowledge to process. But as more is defined and made available through the VIC/AI this becomes very possible. ********************************************************************** THE FOLLOWING IS FROM EARILER "QUICK NOTES" THAT WERE MADE. These "quick notes" were not intended to be correct but intended to act as a reminder to myself of my line of thinking. These notes were made several years ago when I knew I was not going to be able to focus on the VIC, my focus was directed to income producing work. COMMAND OPTIONS ======================================================================= AI Sets up the PK file and makes available the internal commands. May be used with any of the following options AI or -n name AI -pk filename or AI -oi filename or filename.oi AI -ip (set options) or -i (set options) AI -op (set options) or -o (set options) AI -sf filename@line# or filename.sf@line# AI -iq filename or AI -id filename or AI -ke filename or AI -? AI help AI -d / -w debug/watch toggle AI exit exit AI configuration Example: AI -pkDF1:Testfile script.sf -keHolder ==================================================================== PK PK returns PK pk line PK -? help on PK -------------------------------------------------- PK pk toggle positions 1 & 2 PK pk(filename) make pk file current PK -c pk cancel current pk file PK -c pk(filename) replace current with --------------------------------------------------------------------- PK oi toggle positions 1 & 2 PK oi(filename) make oi file current PK -c oi cancel current io file PK -c oi(filename) replace current with --------------------------------------------------------------------- PK ip toggle positions 1 & 2 PK ip(set-options) make ip set current PK -c ip cancel current ip set PK -c ip(set-options) replace current with --------------------------------------------------------------------- PK op toggle position 1 & 2 PK op(set-options) make op set current PK -c op cancel current op set PK -c op(set-options) replace current with --------------------------------------------------------------------- PK sf swaps current sf filename@line# with previous sf filename@line# PK sf filename@line#... add filename@line# to top of stack PK -c sf cancels PK SF line PK -c sf filename@line#... changes PK SF line to *note this can be rather destructive to script execution and OI var lists --------------------------------------------------------------------- PK iq swaps current iq filename@line# with previous iq filename@line# PK iq filename@line#... make IQ file current or put on top of stack PK -c iq cancels PK IQ line PK -c iq filename@line#... changes PK IQ line to --------------------------------------------------------------------- PK id swaps current id filename@line# with previous id filename@line# PK id filename@line#... make ID file current or put on top of stack PK -c id cancels PK ID line PK -c id filename@line#... changes PK ID line to --------------------------------------------------------------------- PK ke toggles positions 1 & 2 PK ke filename make ke file current keychain PK -c ke cancel current keychain file PK -c ke filename replace current keychain file with ===================================================================== OI OI returns PK OI line OI -? help on OI OI -oi returns current list of vars & values OI variable gets input from user into variable value using IP set. if input is greater than 255 a file is created and input is to file and value is set to filename O#I.var where # is unique (perhaps filedate/time/AI#) OI -c var cancels variable OI -c var value creates/changes var value ==================================================================== IP only affects OI IP returns PK IP line IP -? help on IP ==================================================================== OP only affects ID, IQ OP returns PK OP line OP -? help on OP ==================================================================== SF SF returns PK SF line SF -? help on SF SF -sf returns SF line contents SF filename@line#... returns given filename@line# contents ==================================================================== ID Test word for being a var, var-contents, alias, alias contents, IQ word, directory, file. If file will try to determine type of file. executes commands based upon findings (wordf). Tests what the word is in relationship to the related AI system. ID returns PK ID line. ID -? help on ID ID -id returns ID search path based on KEychain. ID -id word returns ID search path based on KEychain and wordf ID word Searches for wordf using KEychain access and executes line_contents commands based on KEychain teeth and OP set. ID -c wordf Cancels word/line_contents from file(s) using KEychain access. ID -c wordf line_contents Creates or Changes word/line_contents using KE keychain access for search. If Creating it will add to the end of path - end of path is end if first file. ==================================================================== IQ IQ returns PK IQ line. IQ -? help on IQ IQ -iq returns IQ search path based on KEychain. IQ -iq word returns IQ search path based on KEychain and word IQ word Searches for word using KEychain access and executes line_contents commands based on KEychain teeth and OP set. IQ -c word Cancels word/line_contents from file(s) using KEychain access. IQ -c word line_contents Creates or Changes word/line_contents using KE keychain access for search. If Creating it will add to the end of path - end of path is end if first file. ======================================================================= KE To be used by IQ and ID mainly. KE returns PK KE line. KE -? help on KE. KE -ke returns current keychain list w/values. KE keyname returns value of keyname if exist. KE -c keyname cancels keyname. KE -c keyname key-teeth creates or changes keyname. *********************************************************************** File/Line Formats OI - "variable : value : opt comment" IP - "input type/format : input device : end of input char" OP - "output type/format : output device : selection flags" selection flags: -f = First match -a = All matches -b = Best match -e = Exact match(s) -l = Last match -w = wait until search is complete before applying found. A temp file is used to hold findings. IQ only? -d = dual/two way pattern matching IQ only? -s = soundex (a future application maybe) -p@name = position name of match(s) contents to use. These variables are related to key-teeth. (may specify more than one) *note: standards on -p@name use should be developed. ID - "wordf to test : command-line to do testing : command/contents -p@name posititions" If file - lines beginning with FILE>var will be tested: "FILE>type : command-line to do testing : command/contents -p@name positions" "keychain-pattern : keyname : file to check" IQ - "word-pattern : opt command-line if match : command/contents -p@name posititions" "keychain-pattern : keyname : file to check" --------------- KE - "keyname:key-teeth/-p@name (to compare w/file-comment):level-check" key-teeth/-p@name: user definable but defaults/examples are: -t = text -e = executable calls -s = shell script code -ed = education -ref = referance -appl = application When the keychain is called: :: key-name is looked for in current KE file and if found... does level-check... ***file-comment/OP-p@name 1: key-teeth/-p@name are compared with file comment and if there is a fit... ***ID/IQ LISTS 2: ID/IQ list is searched for a path:filename(date) match and if not found then adds filename to top of stack and list. If found then... 3: PK's ID/IQ line is searched for filename and if found moves it to top of stack and picks up at line#. If not found then skips filename (it's already been looked at)... NEED TO PUT MORE THOUGHT INTO THIS!!! *********************************************************************** ----- END OF DOCUMENT ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Names have been removed in the following message. It is posted here because my response contains useful information. ====================================================================== From: TIM RUE Conference: 240 , I-Programming To: ----------- Message: 62 Reply To: 0 Subj: V.I.C. -- 1 of 10 Date: 02-08-95 Time: 22:48 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > * In a message on 02/05/95, -------- ------- said to TIM RUE: > RW> TR> PLEASE NOTE!!! > > RW> Tim, > RW> A couple of suggestions. > > Also, shouldn't there be a rule somewhere about being meaningful? > This paper of his made no sense to me whatsoever. I can build the > world's best artificial intelligence engine, too, but it's just in > my imagination that it actually works. :) > > -----, --, focus on what you do understand. Being that this conference is "Programming", I believe you would understand the description of the parts and how they relate to what does exist. The V.I.C. can be built, I'd have already done this but my programming skill and knowledge vs: available time, simply hasn't allowed me to do so. And although I mentioned A.I., I would not say the VIC is an A.I. engine, though it can be used as a building block for such. It can also be used as a building block dealing with robotic movement or a building block for automated programming, etc... Or any combination of building blocks, integration of robotics, A.I. and automated programming for example. But from a programming conference perspective, the VIC can be built. It's the first step. If there is something not clear to you about the defined functionallity, ask. AWK originally was not intended to be used to the extent it now is. That is, full length (1000's of lines of script/code for a single AWK program). And in consideration of what has come about with AWK, the VIC is designed/defined to allow virtual configurability. How it may be used is up to users, but unlike AWK the constraints are left up to the user to define. The VIC configuration objective is to not have any inherent constraints which would constrain usability. I have no doubt I could show you examples of use, knowing others will come up with uses I haven't imagined. But again the problem is in seeing it work and this cannot be done without creating the VIC. And the VIC can be built and as defined! Within the world of programming where one can see in only one direction, even though through experience with different languages ones sight can become wider, one still has limited sight. But from the outside looking in one can see the whole, and with effort one can better determine the primary constants. Fortran is a good language for number crunching but the ICON programming language is better for non-numeric programming. The difference is in the built in or inherent constraints of each langauge. Each having it's up-side and it's down-side. Although it's possible to combine compiled code from different languages into one program, there are still constraints which require the programmer to fully understand the languages being used. But to have the ability to define constraints sets and change between sets in the sequencing of a process one is given the ability to control the constraints rather than the constraints controlling programming. The VIC allows for one to create and change the rules. It is not outside the VIC ability for constraints to be defined that allow it to compile C code or any other code. But its ability goes beyond programming and into application. The three levels of development, the VIC, the Alternating interface (internal as in VIC use as well as external or user interface), and the Knowledge Calculator that allows the user to work on a higher level with greater ease - built upon the AI (or defined constraint sets) which in turn is built upon (processed by) the VIC. Lew, when I began learning about programming I found examples that seemed to be pointless, made no sense, but as I learned more and looking back I understood. For any experienced programmer I'm sure the creation of the VIC would be fairly easy. For myself, I know I could create it, perhaps I will, but I've got to find the time to learn and do it in the multi-tasking environment of the Amiga (because it's the system I have and I want to take advantage of multi-tasking). I learned C on/in the environment of single tasking MSDOS. Big difference in environment. The C programming Language has "no functions". It is a definition of a langauge of which C compiler makers adhear to. There is a library of functions which have become standard and may be built- in to the compiler. But the function are not the "C programming language." Functions are built upon the C language definition. The C programming language is a set of constraints. A set that is likley never fully/completely used in any one program. A program contains, and makes use of, a subset of the full set. The VIC allows one to define the language(s) or constraint sets and to change between constraint sets. And sense the user/programmer is allowed to define the constraints and change them during processing, the user/programmer is not constrained by unchangeable constraints. And it is this that may be difficult for you and others to understand. I'm not setting any rules or constraints, I only identify and define the mechanics that will allow you to define the rules or constraint set(s). And I'm doing it on a command line level, as a primary interface level, so to not only allow versatility but anyone to make use of it (from kids to professional programmers and researchers of non-traditional-programming fields.) "it's just in my imagination that it actually works. :)" Your mind/ brain is a physical device that processes abstract thoughts/ imagination. A computer is a physical device that processes abstract concepts created by mans thoughts/imagination. The difference is clear. Both originate from man and deal with man created constraints. A computer is detached from man and the VIC has the inherent constraints of hardware but need not be constrained more than this. What good is your imagination to the rest of us, if you do not communicate what your imagination creates. To communicate successfully requires structure and definition(s). Structure and definition(s) can be (and are) represented with the basic computer elements, the bits. Movement/flow and change are also relative to communication. I hope I've shed some light here for you Lew. The bottom line remains (at this time) to be creating the VIC. And it is defined and buildable. --- þ RNET 2.006: ILink: Faster-Than-Light þ Atlanta GA USA þ 404-292-8761 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Although this work is copyrighted, the intent of the copyright is to support the concept of giving credit where credit is due and to prevent the wrongful constraint and/or abuse/exploitation and/or distortion/ manipulation of it's content. This work may be transfer and used following these conditions: 1) This work may be transferred only in whole and so long as NO consideration is received in return. 2) That proper credit is given to the Author(s) responsible for the creation of the work. 3) That there is no intentional distortion or manipulation of the work that in any way damages or harms the work or authors(s) responsible for the creation of the work. And that in finding any unintentional distortions or manipulations, correction(s) will be made A.S.A.P. and with reasonable effort to communicate the correction(s) to all. 4) This work shall not be included in any for-profit product and/or service without the written approval of the authors(s) responsible for it's creation. The exception to this is, of course relates to the world wide web, in that the work may be made available on and through the W.W.W. so long as the other conditions are adhered to. ****