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                    'rexxtricks.library' 38.6 (12.4.96)

   Copyright (C) 1994,95 Jürgen Kohrmeyer, 


   'rexxtricks.library' is an ARexx function library. The functions cannot
be assigned to a special purpose, it's just a collection of functions I
missed when programming with ARexx. Let me know if you have any ideas for
other useful functions.

* Copyright                   Copyright notice
* History                     History of rexxtricks.library
* Credits                     Thankls must go to...
* Author                      Where to send comments, bug reports etc.
* Requirements                68040, 18MB Ram ;-)
* Installation                How to install rexxtricks.library
* Library functions           Summary of all functions
* The VIEWLIST() window       How to use the 'VIEWLIST' window
* Index                       Index for this document

::Copyright notice

'rexxtricks.library' is FREEWARE, but still Copyright by Jürgen
Kohrmeyer.  The archive may be freely distributed for non-commercial
purposes, as long as all files are present and have not been modified. The
archive may be uploaded to any bulletin board systems or FTP servers. You
can include the archive on Public Domain disks if you don't ask for more
than a fee of US $3 or 3 DM. This limit applies especially to German
Public-Domain dealers! It's allowed to include the archive on a CD-ROM if
the price of the CD is not more than US $30 or 30 DM.

   All files in this archive are provided "as is" without warranty of any
kind, either expressed or implied. The user assumes all risks and
responsibilities related to its use. The author cannot be made liable for
any damage resulting from the use of 'rexxtricks.library' and the other
files in this archive.

Programs which are included in the archive:
The ARexx program 'FindGUI' uses the program 'Find'.
'FindGUI' is Copyright (C) by Nils Görs.
'Find' is Copyright (C) by Ralph Seichter.

The Arexx program 'RDBBackup' uses the program 'ReadRDB'.
'ReadRDB' is Copyright (C) by Gérard Cornu.

'FindGUI' and 'RDBBackup' use the 'triton.library'.
The 'triton.library' is Copyright (C) by Stefan Zeiger.

Programs which are not included in the archive:
The functions 'WHATIS' and 'WHATISTYPES' use the 'whatis.library'. The
'whatis.library' is Copyright (C) by Sylvain Rougier und Pierre Carrette.

and 'FILEID_GETTYPES' use the 'FileID.library'. The 'FileID.library' is
Copyright (C) by Oliver Lange.

The function 'CRC32' uses the 32 bit CRC-Table, which is also used by
the ZModem file transfer protocol. This table is Copyright (C) by Gary
S. Brown. The source of the function 'CRC32' is taken from the program
'crc32', which is Copyright (C) by Stephen Satchell, Satchell Evaluations
and Chuck Forsberg, Omen Technology.


Changes since version 38.4

        * New function 'READLINES'

        * New function 'WRITELINES'

        * New function 'STEMCOPY'

        * New function 'STEMREMOVE'

        * New function 'RAND'

        * New function 'READCLIPBOARD'

        * New function 'WRITECLIPBOARD'

        * New function 'SCSI_MANUFACTURER'

        * New function 'SCSI_PRODUCT'

        * New function 'SCSI_REVISION'

        * New function 'SCSI_DEVICETYPE'

        * New function 'SCSI_TESTREADY'

        * English documentation

        * Fixed a bug in the function 'VIEWLIST', MouseBlankers didn't work
          if the window was active

        * New options for function 'QSORT'

        * From now on the function 'SEARCHPATTERN' stores the found line in
          the ARexx variable 'RESULT'

        * New function 'FILEID_IDENTIFY'

        * New function 'FILEID_GETHIGHID'

        * New function 'FILEID_GETIDSTRING'

        * New function 'FILEID_GETTYPES'

        * New function 'UUDECODE'

        * New function 'UUENCODE'

        * New function 'STEMINSERT'

        * New function 'GETDIR'


Thanks must go to:

"Gérard Cornu" for his excellent program 'ReadRDB'.

"Hermann 'Uso' Doerries" for his great work and 'Wilam', the best mailbox
and newsserver. :-)

"Nils Görs" for 'FindGUI' and all the other scripts, ideas,
bug reports, beta testing ...

"Ralph Seichter" for his excellent program 'Find'.

"Stefan Zeiger" for 'Triton', one of the best GUI-Layout systems.

All other people, who send me suggestions or bug reports.


   You can reach the author at the following addresses, please use e-mail
if possible:

          Jürgen Kohrmeyer
          Oststraße 2
          49143 Bissendorf




          WILAM Mailboxsystem Wildeshausen

          Port 1 - +49-4431-92081 :USR DualStandard V.34
          Port 2 - +49-4431-92082 :ZyXel 19.2k
          Port 3 - +49-4431-92082 :ISDN X.75

          Login with username MD, download from menu


   The 'rexxtricks.library' requires Kickstart and Workbench 2.04. Before
using the library, you must start the ARexx-Interpreter RexxMast.

   The functions 'WHATIS()' and 'WHATISTYPES()' require 'whatis.library'
V4.0+ in your LIBS:directory.

   You can get 'whatis.library' from many BBS systems, version 4.0 of the
library can be found on Fred Fish's 'AmigaLibDisk 995'.

   The 'FILEID_xx()' functions require 'FileID.library' V7.0+ in your

   'FileID.library' V7.0 can be found on the 'Meeting Pearls Vol. III'


   Installation is easy, just copy 'rexxtricks.library' to LIBS:.
Deutsch is the builtin language of 'rexxtricks.library', if you want to use
an other language copy the file rexxtricks.catalog of the language to
LOCALE:catalogs. Only english is supported at this time.

   To use 'rexxtricks.library' and ARexx, you have to start the ARexx
interpreter first. If this isn't installed in your system, add the
following line to S:User-Startup:

     SYS:System/RexxMast >NIL:

:Functions of 'rexxtricks.library' 38.6 (12.4.96)


* GETENV()                 Get environment variable
* SETENV()                 Set environment variable
* UNSETENV()               Remove environment variable

* PATHPART()               Extract dirname from path
* FILEPART()               Extract filename from path
* MAKEPATH()               Append a filename to the end of a path

* SUFFIXPART()             Get suffix of a filename
* MAKESUFFIX()             Append a suffix to the end of a filename

* GETCOMMENT()             Get comment of a file
* SETCOMMENT()             Set comment of a file

* GETPROTECTION()          Get protection flags of a file
* SETPROTECTION()          Set protection flags of a file

* MATCHPATTERN()           Check a string for pattern
* SEARCHPATTERN()          Search for pattern in a textfile

* GETKEY()                 Wait for a key at console window

* GETDIR()                 Read directory into a compound variable

* READFILE()               Read a textfile into a compound variable
* WRITEFILE()              Write contents of a compound variable to a textfile
* READLINES()              Read a part of a textfile into a compound variable
* WRITELINES()             Replace or insert lines in a textfile


* SCSI_DEVICETYPE()        Get type of a SCSI-Device, DISK, TAPE etc.
* SCSI_MANUFACTURER()      Get manufacturer of a SCSI-Device
* SCSI_PRODUCT()           Get product-string of a SCSI-Device
* SCSI_REVISION()          Get revision-string of a SCSI-Device
* SCSI_TESTREADY()         Test whether a SCSI-Device is ready or not


* READCLIPBOARD()          Read text from clipboard
* WRITECLIPBOARD()         Write text to clipboard


* QSORT()                  Sort list with QuickSort
* BSEARCH()                Search string with Binary Search
* LSEARCH()                Search string with Linear Search

* STEMCOPY()               Copy elements of a compound variable
* STEMINSERT()             Insert elements in a compound variable
* STEMREMOVE()             Remove elements of a compound variable

* VIEWLIST()               Display list in a listview-window


* GETDEFAULTPUBSCREEN()    Get name of the default-pubcreen
* SETDEFAULTPUBSCREEN()    Set new default pubscreen

* GETPUBSCREENMODES()      Get current pubscreen modes
* SETPUBSCREENMODES()      Set new pubscreen modes

* PUBSCREENTOFRONT()       Move a pubscreen to the front
* PUBSCREENTOBACK()        Move a pubscreen to the back

* PUBSCREENLIST()          Get list of all pubscreens currently open

* BEEP()                   Beep screens


* GETTOOLTYPEVALUE()       Get the value of a tooltype
* SETTOOLTYPEVALUE()       Set the value of a tooltype

* GETTOOLTYPES()           Get all tooltypes of an icon
* SETTOOLTYPES()           Set all tooltypes of an icon

* GETDEFAULTTOOL()         Get default tool of an icon
* SETDEFAULTTOOL()         Set default tool of an icon

* GETSTACK()               Get the stacksize of an icon
* SETSTACK()               Set the stacksize of an icon

* CREATEICON()             Create a new Icon
* WBINFO()                 Call the icon information window from workbench (OS3.0+)

Misc functions

* WHATIS()                 Get filetype, uses 'whatis.library V4.0+'
* WHATISTYPES()            Get a list of all currently known filetypes

* FILEID_IDENTIFY()        Get filetype, uses 'FileID.library'
* FILEID_GETHIGHID()       Get maximum filetype-ID of 'FileID.library'
* FILEID_GETIDSTRING()     Get the description of a filtype-ID
* FILEID_GETTYPES()        Get a list of all currently known filetypes

* UUDECODE()               uudecode a file
* UUENCODE()               uuencode a file

* CRC32()                  Calculate 32-Bit CRC checksum of a file

* COUNTCHARS()             Count chars in a string

* RAND()                   Get a random number

* REXXTRICKSVERSION()      Get version of rexxtricks.library

::Alphabetical order

All functions in alphabetical order

* BEEP()                   Beep screens
* BSEARCH()                Search string with Binary Search
* COUNTCHARS()             Count chars in a string
* CRC32()                  Calculate 32-Bit CRC checksum of a file
* CREATEICON()             Create a new Icon
* FILEID_GETHIGHID()       Get maximum filetype-ID of 'FileID.library'
* FILEID_GETIDSTRING()     Get the description of a filtype-ID
* FILEID_GETTYPES()        Get a list of all currently known filetypes
* FILEID_IDENTIFY()        Get filetype, uses 'FileID.library'
* FILEPART()               Extract filename from path
* GETCOMMENT()             Get comment of a file
* GETDEFAULTPUBSCREEN()    Get name of the default-pubcreen
* GETDEFAULTTOOL()         Get default tool of an icon
* GETDIR()                 Read directory into a compound variable
* GETENV()                 Get environment variable
* GETKEY()                 Wait for a key at console window
* GETPROTECTION()          Get protection flags of a file
* GETPUBSCREENMODES()      Get current pubscreen modes
* GETSTACK()               Get the stacksize of an icon
* GETTOOLTYPES()           Get all tooltypes of an icon
* GETTOOLTYPEVALUE()       Get the value of a tooltype
* LSEARCH()                Search string with Linear Search
* MAKEPATH()               Append a filename to the end of a path
* MAKESUFFIX()             Append a suffix to the end of a filename
* MATCHPATTERN()           Check a string for pattern
* PATHPART()               Extract dirname from path
* PUBSCREENLIST()          Get list of all pubscreens currently open
* PUBSCREENTOBACK()        Move a pubscreen to the back
* PUBSCREENTOFRONT()       Move a pubscreen to the front
* QSORT()                  Sort list with QuickSort
* RAND()                   Get a random number
* READCLIPBOARD()          Read text from clipboard
* READFILE()               Read a textfile into a compound variable
* READLINES()              Read a part of a textfile into a compound variable
* REXXTRICKSVERSION()      Get version of rexxtricks.library
* SCSI_DEVICETYPE()        Get type of a SCSI-Device, DISK, TAPE etc.
* SCSI_MANUFACTURER()      Get manufacturer of a SCSI-Device
* SCSI_PRODUCT()           Get product-string of a SCSI-Device
* SCSI_REVISION()          Get revision-string of a SCSI-Device
* SCSI_TESTREADY()         Test whether a SCSI-Device is ready or not
* SEARCHPATTERN()          Search for pattern in a textfile
* SETCOMMENT()             Set comment of a file
* SETDEFAULTPUBSCREEN()    Set new default pubscreen
* SETDEFAULTTOOL()         Set default tool of an icon
* SETENV()                 Set environment variable
* SETPROTECTION()          Set protection flags of a file
* SETPUBSCREENMODES()      Set new pubscreen modes
* SETSTACK()               Set the stacksize of an icon
* SETTOOLTYPES()           Set all tooltypes of an icon
* SETTOOLTYPEVALUE()       Set the value of a tooltype
* STEMCOPY()               Copy elements of a compound variable
* STEMINSERT()             Insert elements in a compound variable
* STEMREMOVE()             Remove elements of a compound variable
* SUFFIXPART()             Get suffix of a filename
* UNSETENV()               Remove environment variable
* UUDECODE()               uudecode a file
* UUENCODE()               uuencode a file
* VIEWLIST()               Display list in a listview-window
* WBINFO()                 Call the icon information window from workbench (OS3.0+)
* WHATIS()                 Get filetype, uses 'whatis.library V4.0+'
* WHATISTYPES()            Get a list of all currently known filetypes
* WRITECLIPBOARD()         Write text to clipboard
* WRITEFILE()              Write contents of a compound variable to a textfile
* WRITELINES()             Replace or insert lines in a textfile


     contents = GETENV(variable)

     contents = RXTR_GETENV(variable)

     Returns the contents of an environment variable.

     variable - Name of the variable

     contents - Contents of the variable

     /* Get Kickstart-version */

     version = GETENV('Kickstart')
     SAY 'Kickstart-Version =' version



     boolean = SETENV(variable,text)

     boolean = RXTR_SETENV(variable,text)

     Sets the contents of an environment variable. The variable will be
     created if it doesn't exist.

     variable - Name of the variable

     text     - New contents of the variable

     boolean  - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* Set Editor-variable */

     IF SETENV('Editor','C:ED') THEN
        SAY "Variable 'Editor' is set to 'C:ED'!"
        SAY 'Error setting new editor!'



     boolean = UNSETENV(variable)

     boolean = RXTR_UNSETENV(variable)

     Removes an enviranment variable. The variable will be deleted in
     ::ENV:, but NOT in ::ENVARC:!

     variable - Name of the variable

     boolean  - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* Remove the variable 'Editor' */

     IF UNSETENV('Editor') THEN
        SAY "Variable 'Editor' is removed!"
        SAY 'Error removing variable!'



     dir = PATHPART(path)

     dir = RXTR_PATHPART(path)

     Returns the directory comopnent of a path.

     path - An AmigaDOS path

     dir  - The directory component of the specified path

     /* Get the directory component of a path */

     dir = PATHPART('DH0:Daten/Testfile')
     SAY 'Directory =' dir



     filename = FILEPART(path)

     filename = RXTR_FILEPART(path)

     Returns the filename of a path.

     path     - An AmigaDOS path

     filename - The filename of the specified path

     /* Get the filename of a path */

     filename = FILEPART('DH0:Daten/Testfile')
     SAY 'Filename =' filename



     path = MAKEPATH(dir,filename)

     path = RXTR_MAKEPATH(dir,filename)

     Appends a filename to the end of a path.

     dir      - Directory path to add the 'filename' to

     filename - Filename, directory name or subpath to add

     path     - An AmigaDOS path that consists of the specified
                'dir' and 'filename'.

     /* Add a filename to the end of a path */

     path = MAKEPATH('DH0:Daten','Testfile')
     SAY 'Path =' path



     suffix = SUFFIXPART(path)

     suffix = RXTR_SUFFIXPART(path)

     Returns the suffix of the file component of a path.

     path   - An AmigaDOS path which last component is a filename

     suffix - The suffix of the filename without the point, e.g. the
              suffix of 'DH0:Test.lha' is 'lha'!

     /* Get the suffix of a filename */

     suffix = SUFFIXPART('DH0:Daten/Testfile.txt')
     SAY 'Suffix is =' suffix



     new_path = MAKESUFFIX(path,suffix,mode)

     new_path = RXTR_MAKESUFFIX(path,suffix,mode)

     Appends a suffix to the end of the file component of a path, or
     replaces an old suffix with the specified one.

     path     - An AmigaDOS path which last component is a filename

     suffix   - The new suffix for the filename, without point!

     mode     - Specifies whether the suffix should be appended to the
                filename or an existing suffix should be replaced.

                Possible keywords are:

                'APPEND'  or 'A' - Append the suffix to the filename

                'REPLACE' or 'R' - Replace an existing suffix

     new_path - Pathname with the new suffix. A filename that would be
                longer than 30 characters is cut before the new suffix
                is appended.

     /* Replace a suffix */

     jpegfile = MAKESUFFIX('DH0:gfx/picture.IFF','JPEG','REPLACE')
     SAY 'The new filename is' jpegfile



     comment = GETCOMMENT(filename)

     comment = RXTR_GETCOMMENT(filename)

     Returns the comment string of a file or directory.

     filename - File or directory to get the comment of.

     comment  - The comment of the specified file or directory.

     /* Get comment of a file */

     comment = GETCOMMENT('DH0:Data/Testfile')
     SAY 'Comment =' comment



     boolean = SETCOMMENT(filename,comment)

     boolean = RXTR_SETCOMMENT(filename,comment)

     Sets the comment string of a file or directory.

     filename - The file or directory, which comment should be set.

     boolean  - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* set comment on a file */

     IF SETCOMMENT('DH0:Data/Testfile','This is a testfile') THEN
        SAY 'New comment is set!'
        SAY 'Error setting the new comment!'



     flags = GETPROTECTION(filename)

     flags = RXTR_GETPROTECTION(filename)

     Returns the protection flags of a file.

     filename - Name of the file

     flags    - A string that contains the protection flags in the
                format 'HSPARWED'. An uppercase character indicates
                that the flag is set, a '-' indicates that the flag
                is not set.

     /* Get protection flags of a file */

     flags = GETPROTECTION('DH0:Testfile')
     SAY 'Protection flags =' flags



     boolean = SETPROTECTION(flags)

     boolean = RXTR_SETPROTECTION(flags)

     Sets the protection flags of a file.

     flags    - A string that contains the protection flags in the
                format 'HSPARWED'. An uppercase character indicates
                that the flag should be set, a '-' indicates that
                the flag should not be set.

     boolean  - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* Set protection flags of a file */

     IF SETPROTECTION('DH0:Testfile','-S-RWE-') THEN
        SAY 'Protection flags are set!'
        SAY 'Cannot set protection flags!'



     boolean = MATCHPATTERN(string,pattern,case)

     boolean = RXTR_MATCHPATTERN(string,pattern,case)

     Checks for a pattern match with a string.

     string  - String to match against pattern

     pattern - AmigaDOS pattern

     case    - Specifies whether the string should be matched
               case-sensitive against the pattern or not.

               Possible keywords are:

               'CASE'   or 'C' - case-sensitive

               'NOCASE' or 'N' - case-insensitive

               If this argument is omitted, the string is matched

     boolean - 1 if the string matches pattern, 0 if not or for an error

     /* Check for a pattern match with a string */

     IF MATCHPATTERN('Testtext','t#?','CASE') THEN
        SAY 'The string matches pattern'
        SAY 'No match found'



     result = SEARCHPATTERN(filename,pattern,start,mode,case)

     result = RXTR_SEARCHPATTERN(filename,pattern,start,mode,case)

     Reads a textfile and checks for a pattern match with each line of the

     filename - Name of the textfile

     pattern  - AmigaDOS pattern

     start    - Specifies the position within the file to begin with
                the pattern match. This can be the number of a line or
                a byte offset, depending on the 'mode' argument.

     mode     - Specifies the type of the 'start' argument and the

                Possible keywords are:

                'BYTE' or 'B' - 'start' and 'result' are byte offsets
                                from the beginning of the file. An offset
                                of 0 specifies the first byte of the file.

                'LINE' or 'L' - 'start' and 'result' are line numbers.
                                A number of 1 specifies the first line of
                                the file.

                If you have specified 'BYTE', the 'result' is the byte
                offset of the line that matches pattern. You can read
                this line using the ARexx function 'SEEK()' to move the
                file pointer to the beginning of the line and then read
                it with 'READLN()'.

                If this argument is omitted, 'start' and 'result' are
                line numbers.

     case     - Specifies whether the lines of the file should be
                matched case-sensitive against the pattern or not.

                Possible keywords are:

                'CASE'   or 'C' - case-sensitive

                'NOCASE' or 'N' - case-insensitive

                If this argument is omitted, the lines are matched

     result   - Line number or byte offset of the found line, depending
                on the 'mode' argument, or -1 if no match is found.

                The found line is stored in the variable 'RESULT'.

     /* Search for pattern in a textfile */

     line = SEARCHPATTERN('S:User-Startup','Assign#?MAILFILTER:',1,'LINE','NOCASE')

     IF line ~= -1 THEN
        SAY 'MailFilter assign found at line:' line
        SAY 'Sorry, no MailFilter assign found.'



     boolean = GETDIR(dirname,pattern,stemvar,type,result,subdirs)

     boolean = RXTR_GETDIR(dirname,pattern,stemvar,type,result,subdirs)

     Reads a directory and stores all entries in a compound variable.

     dirname - Name of the directory to read

     pattern - An AmigaDOS Pattern. Only entries matching this pattern
               are stored in the compound variable. This is optional, all
               entries are stored if no pattern is specified.

     stemvar - Compound variable to store the directory entries:

               stemvar.0 - the number of entries
               stemvar.1 - the first entry
               stemvar.2 - the second entry
               stemvar.n - the n'th entry

     type    - Type of the entries, that should be stored in the
               compound variable.

               Possible keywords are:

               'ALL'   or 'A' - All entries are stored

               'FILES' or 'F' - Only files are stored

               'DIRS'  or 'D' - Only directories are stored

               If this is omitted, all entries are stored.

     result  - Specifies whether the complete path or only the name of
               the entries should be stored in the compound variable.

               Possible keywords are:

               'NAME' or 'N' - Only the name is stored

               'PATH' or 'P' - The complete path is stored

               If this is omitted, only the name is stored.

     subdirs - Specifies whether all found subdirectories should be
               entered and read or not.

               Possible keywords are:

               'SUBDIRS' or 'S' - All found subdirectories are entered
                                  and read

               If this is omitted, only the directory specified with
               'dirname' is read.

     boolean - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

      Read a directory and all subdirectories and display the
      complete path of all entries, don't display icons

     IF GETDIR('DEVS:','~(#?.info)','stemvar','FILES','PATH','SUBDIRS') THEN DO
        SAY 'Number of entries:' stemvar.0

        DO i = 1 TO stemvar.0
           SAY stemvar.i



     key = GETKEY(timeout)

     key = RXTR_GETKEY(timeout)

     Waits the specified time for a key.

     timeout - Time to wait in Seconds

     key     - If the user presses a key within the specified time, the
               corresponding character is returned. If no key is pressed,
               the function returns -1.

               Special keys are returned as follows:

                                   |     qualifiers
                    key            | none    | ::SHIFT
                    F1             | F1      | SHIFT F1
                    F2             | F2      | SHIFT F2
                    F3             | F3      | SHIFT F3
                    F4             | F4      | SHIFT F4
                    F5             | F5      | SHIFT F5
                    F6             | F6      | SHIFT F6
                    F7             | F7      | SHIFT F7
                    F8             | F8      | SHIFT F8
                    F9             | F9      | SHIFT F9
                    F10            | F10     | SHIFT F10
                                   |         |
                    Esc            | ESC     | ESC
                    Help           | HELP    | HELP
                                   |         |
                    Return         | CR      | CR
                    Enter          | CR      | CR
                                   |         |
                    Backspace      | BS      | BS
                    Delete         | DEL     | DEL
                                   |         |
                    Cursor Oben    | UP      | SHIFT UP
                    Cursor Unten   | DOWN    | SHIFT DOWN
                    Cursor Links   | LEFT    | SHIFT LEFT
                    Cursor Rechts  | RIGHT   | SHIFT RIGHT

               If you have defined a string for the pressed key, e.g. with
               the commodity 'FKey', the defined string is returned.

     /* Wait ten seconds for a key */

     key = GETKEY(10)

     IF key ~= (-1) THEN
        SAY 'Key pressed:' key
        SAY 'No key was pressed!'



     boolean = READFILE(filename,stemvar)

     boolean = RXTR_READFILE(filename,stemvar)

     Reads the contents of a textfile into a compound variable. Each line is
     stored as an element of the variable, all linefeeds (ASCII code:10)
     are removed automatically.

     filename  - File to read from

     stemvar   - Compound variable to store the contents of the textfile,
                 each element will contain one line without linefeed:

                 stemvar.0 - the number of lines
                 stemvar.1 - the first line
                 stemvar.2 - the second line
                 stemvar.n - the n'th line

     boolean   - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* Read 's:user-startup' into a compound variable and display all lines */

     IF READFILE('s:user-startup','array') THEN DO
        SAY 'Number of lines:' array.0

        DO i = 1 TO array.0
           SAY 'Zeile' i||':' array.i



     boolean = WRITEFILE(filename,stemvar,append)

     boolean = RXTR_WRITEFILE(filename,stemvar,append)

     Writes the contents of a compound variable to a file. A linefeed
     (ASCII code:10) is appended to each element of the variable.

     filename   - File to use for writing

     stemvar    - Compound variable which should be written to the
                  file, this variable must have the following format:

                  stemvar.0 - must be the number of lines
                  stemvar.1 - must be the first line
                  stemvar.2 - must be the second line
                  stemvar.n - muste be the n'th line

     append     - With this switch you can specify that teh contents of
                  'stemvar' should be appended to the file. In this case,
                  the file must exist!

                  Possible keywords:

                  'APPEND' or 'A' - Append 'stemvar' to an existing file.

                  All other words are ignored.

     boolean    - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* Write contents of a compound variable to a file */

     list.0 = 4
     list.1 = 'Hello'
     list.2 = 'Good morning'
     list.3 = 'Bye bye'
     list.4 = 'Nice to see you'

     IF WRITEFILE('RAM:Test','list') THEN
        SAY 'Okay, no errors!'



     boolean = READLINES(filename,start,number,format,stemvar)

     boolean = RXTR_READLINES(filename,start,number,format,stemvar)

     Reads a part of a textfile into a compound variable. The lines are
     read and converted using the specified format string. All linefeeds
     are removed before converting.

     filename - File to read from

     start    - Number of the first line to read, the minimal line
                number is 1. If this argument is omitted, the function
                will read from beginning of the file.

     number   - Number of lines to read. If this argument is omitted,
                the function will read until end of the file.

     format   - Formatstring which describes how to convert each line.
                This string can contain as many conversion specifications
                as you like. You must specify a variable for each of the
                conversion specifications. (see argument 'stemvar')

                The maximum length for each of the converted elements
                is 1024 characters! The total length of one line is 4096

                When a line is read, the formatstring is searched for the
                first conversion specification. If found, a part of the
                line is converted and stored as an element of the first
                compound variable. After this, the next part of the line
                is converted using the next conversion specification, and
                stored as an element of the next compound variable. etc.

                The formatstring may contain three different types of
                characters and instructions:

                1. white space (space, tab and linefeed characters)

                   Any white space characters cause the conversion to
                   continue with the next character in the input line
                   that is not white space.

                2. all other characters without the percent sign '%'

                   For each of this characters, a matching character
                   is read from the input line. If there is not an
                   exact match, the conversion stops at this point.

                3. conversion specifications

                   A conversion specification indicates how the next
                   part of the input line is to be converted. Each
                   conversion specification starts with the percent
                   sign '%' and follows this format, brackets indicate
                   an optional part:


                   %       - The percent sign introduces a conversion
                             specification. If you want to match a '%'
                             in the input line, use '%%' in the format

                   *       - The asterisk means that the conversion
                             should be performed, but the result should
                             not be stored. Do not specify a variable
                             for a conversion specification that uses

                   width   - A decimal number which specifies the maximum
                             number of characters to be converted. If
                             'type' is 'c' exact 'width' characters are
                             converted, the conversion will ::not stop
                             at a white space character,

                   type    - Specifies the type of the conversion, two
                             different types are supported:

                             s - Indicates a character string terminated
                                 by white space or end of the input line.
                                 Also, the conversion stops if maximum
                                 width is specified and 'width' characters
                                 are converted.

                             c - Indicates conversion of one character.
                                 If maximum width is specified, exact
                                 'width' characters will be converted.
                                 The conversion doesn't stop at white
                                 space characters.

     stemvar  - Compound variables to store the converted parts of the
                input line, for each conversion specification you must
                specify a variable. The variable names are specified
                separated by a 'space' or 'tab':

                Example:READLINES(file,10,3,'%s %5c','stemvar1 stemvar2')

                stemvar1.0 - will be the number of lines,
                             at this example it will be 3
                stemvar1.1 - will be the first item of the first line,
                             at this example the first item of line 10
                stemvar1.2 - will be the first item of the second line,
                             at this example the first item of line 11
                stemvar1.3 - will be the first item of the third line,
                             at this example the first item of line 12

                stemvar2.0 - will be the number of lines,
                             at this example it will be 3
                stemvar2.1 - will be the second item of the first line,
                             at this example the second item of line 10
                stemvar2.2 - will be the second item of the second line,
                             at this example the second item of line 11
                stemvar2.3 - will be the second item of the third line,
                             at this example the second item of line 12

     boolean  - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

      Create a file using the DOS command 'List', read a part of
      the file into compound variables and display the results.

     ADDRESS COMMAND 'List >T:tempfile LFORMAT "%-30N %L Byte %A %D %T"'

     IF READLINES('T:tempfile',5,20,'%30c %s Byte %s %s %s','name bytes flags filedate filetime') THEN DO
        SAY 'Number of lines:' name.0

        DO i = 1 TO name.0
           IF bytes.i = 'Dir' THEN
              SAY 'No.' i '-> Directory:' STRIP(name.i)
              SAY 'No.' i '-> File:' STRIP(name.i) '-' bytes.i 'Byte'

           SAY 'Flags:' flags.i
           SAY 'Date :' filedate.i
           SAY 'Time :' filetime.i



     boolean = WRITELINES(filename,start,stemvar,mode)

     boolean = RXTR_WRITELINES(filename,start,stemvar,mode)

     Replaces lines of a textfile with the contents of a compound variable,
     or inserts the contents of a compound variable in a textfile.

     filename - File to write to

     start    - Number of the first line to write, the minimal line
                number is 1. If this argument is omitted, the function
                will write to the first line of the file.

     stemvar  - Compound variable which should be written to the file,
                this variable must have the following format:

                stemvar.0 - must be the number of lines
                stemvar.1 - must be the first line
                stemvar.2 - must be the second line
                stemvar.n - must be the n'th line

     mode     - Specifies how the contents of the compound variable
                should be written to the file:

                'REPLACE' or 'R'- Lines in the file will be replaced
                                  beginning at the specified 'start'
                                  line. Each element of the compound
                                  variable replaces one line of the
                                  file. For example, if 'stemvar' has
                                  10 elements, 10 lines are replaced.
                                  All following lines are copied from
                                  the original file.

                'INSERT' or 'I' - All elements of the compound variable
                                  are inserted in the file, beginning
                                  at the specified 'start' line.

     bool     - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

      Read the lines 10, 11 and 12 from 'RAM:testfile',
      change it and write back to the file.

     IF READLINES('RAM:testfile',10,3,'%256c','line') THEN DO
        DO i = 1 TO line.0
           line.i = 'This is line' i+9 '-' line.i

        IF ~WRITELINES('RAM:testfile',10,'line','REPLACE') THEN
           SAY 'Error writing to file!'
        SAY 'Error reading from file!'



     type = SCSI_DEVICETYPE(device,unit)

     type = RXTR_SCSI_DEVICETYPE(device,unit)

     Returns the type of the SCSI peripheral connected to the specified
     device and unit.

     device - Name of the SCSI device

     unit   - Unit number

     type   - Type of the peripheral:

              DISK          - disk drive, hard disk
              TAPE          - tape streamer
              PRINTER       - printer
              PROCESSOR     - processor device
              WORM          - WORM drive
              CDROM         - CD-ROM drive
              SCANNER       - scanner
              OPTICAL       - optical disk drive
              MEDIACHANGER  - medium changer device
              COMMUNICATION - communications device
              UNKNOWN       - unknown device type

              If no peripheral is connected to the specified device
              and unit, an empty string '' is returned.

     /* Display the type of the peripheral connected to 'scsi.device' unit 0 */

     SAY SCSI_DEVICETYPE('scsi.device',0)



     manufacturer = SCSI_MANUFACTURER(device,unit)

     manufacturer = RXTR_SCSI_MANUFACTURER(device,unit)

     Returns the manufacturer of the SCSI peripheral connected to the
     specified device and unit.

     device       - Name of the SCSI device

     unit         - Unit number

     manufacturer - The manufacturer information of the peripheral, or
                    an empty string '' if no peripheral is connected
                    to the specified device and unit.

     /* Display the manufacturer of a peripheral */

     SAY SCSI_MANUFACTURER('scsi.device',0)



     product = SCSI_PRODUCT(device,unit)

     product = RXTR_SCSI_PRODUCT(device,unit)

     Returns the product description string of the SCSI peripheral
     connected to the specified device and unit.

     device  - Name of the SCSI device

     unit    - Unit number

     product - The product description string of the peripheral, or
               an empty string '' if no peripheral is connected
               to the specified device and unit.

     /* Display the product string of a peripheral */

     SAY SCSI_PRODUCT('scsi.device',0)



     revision = SCSI_REVISION(device,unit)

     revision = RXTR_SCSI_REVISION(device,unit)

     Returns the revision string of the SCSI peripheral connected to the
     specified device and unit.

     device   - Name of the SCSI device

     unit     - Unit number

     revision - The revision string of the peripheral, or an empty
                string '' if no peripheral is connected to the
                specified device and unit.

     /* Display the revision string of a peripheral */

     SAY SCSI_REVISION('scsi.device',0)



     boolean = SCSI_TESTREADY(device,unit)

     boolean = RXTR_SCSI_TESTREADY(device,unit)

     Checks whether a SCSI peripheral is ready for use or not. e.g.:With
     removable cartridge drives you can check if a cartridge is inserted in
     the drive.

     device  - Name of the SCSI device

     unit    - Unit number

     boolean - 1 if the peripheral is ready for use, 0 if not

     /* Check the peripheral at 'scsi.device' unit 0 */

     IF SCSI_TESTREADY('scsi.device',0) THEN
        SAY 'Peripheral is ready for use!'
        SAY 'Peripheral is not ready!'



     result = READCLIPBOARD(unit,destvar)

     result = RXTR_READCLIPBOARD(unit,destvar)

     Reads text from clipboard and stores each line in the specified
     compound variable, or returns the whole clipboard contents as result.

     unit    - Clipboard-Unit to read from

     destvar - Name of a compound variable to store the clipboard
               contents. Each line will be stored in one element
               of the variable:

               destvar.0 - the number of lines
               destvar.1 - the first line
               destvar.2 - the second line
               destvar.n - the n'th line

               ::If destvar is not specified, the whole contents will
               be returned as result.

     result  - If 'destvar' is ::not specified, result will be the whole
               clipboard contents.

               If 'destvar' is specified, result will be an empty string ".

     /* read from clipboard unit 0 and display the contents */


     SAY '------------------'

     CALL READCLIPBOARD(0,'array')

     SAY 'Number of lines:' array.0

     DO i = 1 TO array.0
        SAY 'Line' i || ':' array.i



     boolean = WRITECLIPBOARD(unit,string,stemvar)

     boolean = RXTR_WRITECLIPBOARD(unit,string,stemvar)

     Writes a string or the contents of a compound variable to the
     specified clipboard unit.

     unit    - clipboard unit to write to

     string  - String to write to the clipboard

     stemvar - Name of a compound variable, which contents should be
               written to the clipboard. A linefeed is appended to each
               element of the variable. The compound variable must have
               the following format:

               stemvar.0 - must be the number of lines
               stemvar.1 - must be the first line
               stemvar.2 - must be the second line
               stemvar.n - must be the n'th line

               ::You can specify either 'string' or 'stemvar'. If 'stemvar'
               isn't specified, the 'string' will be written to clipboard.

     boolean - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* write text to clipboard unit 0 */

     IF WRITECLIPBOARD(0,'This is a test') THEN
        SAY 'Okay!'
        SAY 'Error writing to clipboard!'



     boolean = QSORT(list,destvar,case,field,separator)

     boolean = RXTR_QSORT(list,destvar,case,field,separator)

     Sort list in ascending order.

     list      - The list to be sorted, this must be a compound variable
                 with the following format:

                 list.0 - must be the number of elements in the list
                 list.1 - must be the first element of the list
                 list.2 - must be the second element of the list
                 list.n - must be the n'th element of the list

     destvar   - Compound variable to store the sorted list. The sorted
                 list is stored similar to the source list:

                 destvar.0 - is the number of elements
                 destvar.1 - is the first element
                 destvar.2 - is the second element
                 destvar.n - is the n'th element

                 This is optional. If no 'destvar' is specified, the list
                 is sorted directly.

     case      - Specifies whether the list should be sorted case sensitive
                 or not. If this argument is omitted, the list is sorted
                 case insensitive.

                 Possible keywords:

                 'CASE'    or 'C'   - sort case sensitive
                 'NOCASE'  or 'N'   - sort case insensitive
                 'NUMERIC' or 'NUM' - sort by number

     field     - Number of a field, separated by the character which is
                 specified with the 'separator' argument. The List is
                 sorted according to this field. The number of the first
                 field is 1. If no 'field' is specified, the list is
                 sorted by the complete contents of the variable.

     separator - The character which separates the fields in each element
                 of the list. This argument is only used if a field number
                 is specified. The default separator is space ' ', it will
                 be used if a field number is specified but no separator

     boolean - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* sort 'list' and store in 'destvar' */

     list.0 = 4
     list.1 = 'Musterfrau|Sabine|Bergstraße 75|12345 Musterdorf'
     list.2 = 'Poweruser|Heinz|Megabitallee 128|87654 Mipshausen'
     list.3 = 'Mustermann|Peter|Feldweg 3|35487 Teststadt'
     list.4 = 'Kohrmeyer|Jürgen|Oststraße 2|49143 Bissendorf'

     IF QSORT('list','destvar','NUMERIC',4,'|') THEN DO
        SAY 'Number of elements:' destvar.0

        DO i = 1 TO destvar.0
           SAY destvar.i

     /* now sort 'list' directly */

     IF QSORT('list',,,2,'|') THEN DO
        DO i = 1 TO list.0
           SAY list.i



     number = BSEARCH(key,list,start,case)

     number = RXTR_BSEARCH(key,list,start,case)

     Scan a sorted list and search for a string with Binary Search.  The
     list must be sorted in ascending order!!!

     key     - The string to search for

     list    - The list to search, must be a compound variable with
               the following format:

               list.0 - must be the number of elements in the list
               list.1 - must be the first element of the list
               list.2 - must be the second element of the list
               list.n - must be the n'th element of the list

     start   - Index of the element to start with searching. If this
               is omitted, the search starts at element 1.

     case    - Specifies whether the search should be case sensitive or not.
               If this is omitted, the search is case insensitive.

               Possible keywords:

               'CASE'   or 'C' - search case sensitive
               'NOCASE' or 'N' - search case insensitive

     number  - Index of the found element or -1 if nothing was found.

     /* search for a string with Binary Search */

     list.0 = 4
     list.1 = 'Hello'
     list.2 = 'Good morning'
     list.3 = 'Bye bye'
     list.4 = 'Nice to see you'

     number = BSEARCH('Good morning','list',0,'CASE')

     IF number ~= (-1) THEN
        SAY 'Found at number:' number
        SAY 'Not found!'



     number = LSEARCH(key,list,start,case,pattern)

     number = RXTR_LSEARCH(key,list,start,case,pattern)

     Scan a sorted list and search for a string with Linear Search.

     key     - The string to search for. It is possible to use any
               AmigaDOS pattern here, in this case you must specify
               the argument 'pattern'.

     list    - The list to search, must be a compound variable with
               the following format:

               list.0 - must be the number of elements in the list
               list.1 - must be the first element of the list
               list.2 - must be the second element of the list
               list.n - must be the n'th element of the list

     start   - Index of the element to start with searching. If this
               is omitted, the search starts at element 1.

     case    - Specifies whether the search should be case sensitive or not.
               If this is omitted, the search is case insensitive.

               Possible keywords:

               'CASE'   or 'C' - search case sensitive
               'NOCASE' or 'N' - search case insensitive

     pattern - Specifies, whether the 'key' argument contains an AmigaDOS
               pattern or not. If this is omitted, a normal string compare
               is done.

               Possible keywords:

               'PATTERN' or 'P' - Use AmigaDOS pattern match to search
               'STRCMP'  or 'S' - Use normal string compare to search

     number  - Index of the next found element or -1 if nothing was found.

     /* search for a string with Linear Search */

     list.0 = 4
     list.1 = 'Hello'
     list.2 = 'Good morning'
     list.3 = 'Bye bye'
     list.4 = 'Nice to see you'

     number = LSEARCH('Bye bye','list')

     IF number ~= (-1) THEN
        SAY 'Found at number:' number
        SAY 'Not found!'



     boolean = STEMCOPY(source,start1,dest,start2,number)

     boolean = RXTR_STEMCOPY(source,start1,dest,start2,number)

     Copies the contents of a compound variable into an other compound

     source  - Name of the compound variable to copy from, this variable
               must have the following format:

               source.0 - must be the number of elements
               source.1 - must be the first element
               source.2 - must be the second element
               source.n - must be the n'th element

     start1  - Number of the first 'source' element to copy.

     dest    - Name of the destination variable.

     start2  - Number of the first 'dest' element to copy to.

     number  - Number of elements to copy from 'source' to 'dest'. If this
               argument is omitted, all elements, beginning at 'start1',
               are copied.

     boolean - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* copy elements of a compound variable */

     list.0 = 4
     list.1 = 'Hello'
     list.2 = 'Good morning'
     list.3 = 'Bye bye'
     list.4 = 'Nice to see you'

     IF STEMCOPY('list',2,'newlist',1,2) THEN DO
        SAY 'Number of elements in newlist:' newlist.0

        DO i = 1 TO newlist.0
           SAY newlist.i
        SAY 'Error copying list!'



     boolean = STEMINSERT(stemvar,start,number,default)

     boolean = RXTR_STEMINSERT(stemvar,start,number,default)

     Inserts one or more elements in a compound variable.

     stemvar - Name of the compound variable, this variable must have
               the following format:

               stemvar.0 - must be the number of elements
               stemvar.1 - must be the first element
               stemvar.2 - must be the second element
               stemvar.n - must be the n'th element

     start   - Number of the element to insert.

     number  - Number of elements to insert. If this is omitted,
               only one element is inserted.

     default - Default contents of the inserted elements. If this is
               omitted, an empty string '' is used.

     boolean - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* insert 2 elements before third element */

     list.0 = 4
     list.1 = 'Hello'
     list.2 = 'Good morning'
     list.3 = 'Bye bye'
     list.4 = 'Nice to see you'

     IF STEMINSERT('list',3,2,'New') THEN DO
        SAY 'New number of elements:' list.0

        DO i = 1 TO liste.0
           SAY liste.i
        SAY 'Error inserting elements!'



     boolean = STEMREMOVE(stemvar,start,number)

     boolean = RXTR_STEMREMOVE(stemvar,start,number)

     Removes one or more elements of a compound variable.

     stemvar - Name of the compound variable, this variable must have
               the following format:

               stemvar.0 - must be the number of elements
               stemvar.1 - must be the first element
               stemvar.2 - must be the second element
               stemvar.n - must be the n'th element

     start   - Number of the first element to remove.

     number  - Number of elements to remove. If this is omitted, only
               the 'start' element is removed.

     boolean - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* remove the third element of a compound variable */

     list.0 = 4
     list.1 = 'Hello'
     list.2 = 'Good morning'
     list.3 = 'Bye bye'
     list.4 = 'Nice to see you'

     IF STEMREMOVE('list',3) THEN DO
        SAY 'New number of elements:' list.0

        DO i = 1 TO list.0
           SAY list.i
        SAY 'Error removing element!'



     boolean = VIEWLIST(list,window,destvar)

     boolean = RXTR_VIEWLIST(list,window,destvar)

     Displays a list in a listview window and allows the user to
     select one or more entries.

     list    - A compound variable which contains the list of all
               selectable entries. This list is displayed in the
               listview window:

               list.0 - must be the number of entries in the list
               list.1 - must be the first entry of the list
               list.2 - must be the second entry of the list
               list.n - must be the n'th entry of the list

     window  - A compound variable, which describes the window:

               window.title       - The title text of the window. If
                                    this is not set, the title text is

               window.postext     - The text for the positive (Okay)
                                    gadget. Don't use this, use
                                    window.gadgettext instead!

               window.negtext     - The text for the negative (Cancel)
                                    gadget. Don't use this, use
                                    window.gadgettext instead!

               window.gadgettext  - String which describes the action
                                    gadgets, the strings for separate
                                    gadgets must be separated by '|'.
                                    You can specify a hotkey charakter
                                    for each Gadget by preceeding the
                                    charakter to be used with '_'.

                                    For example '_Quit|_Save|_Cancel'
                                    will create 3 gadgets with the
                                    hotkeys q, s and c.

                                    If gadgettext is not set, there
                                    will be 2 gadgets:'_Okay' and

               window.pubscreen   - Name of the public screen to open
                                    the window on.

                                    Default:default public screen

               window.font        - The font for the window, you can
                                    specify whether the screen font
                                    or the system default font should
                                    be used.

                                    DEFAULT - use system default font
                                    SCREEN  - use screen font

                                    If 'window.font' is not set, the
                                    system default font is used.

               window.left        - The left edge of the window. If
                                    this is not set, the window is
                                    centered on screen.

              - The top edge of the window. If
                                    this is not set, the window is
                                    centered on screen.

               window.width       - The width of the window. If this
                                    is not set, the window is aligned
                                    to the minimum width of the gadgets.

               window.height      - The height of the window. If this
                                    is not set, the height will be
                                    3/4 of the screen height.

               window.zoomleft    - The left edge of the zoomed window.
                                    If this is not set, 'window.left'
                                    is used.

               window.zoomtop     - The top edge of the zoomed window.
                                    If this is not set, ''
                                    is used.

               window.sort        - Specifies, whether the list should
                                    be displayed in alphabetical order
                                    or not.

                                    TRUE  - display sorted list
                                    FALSE - do not sort the list

                                    This is only for displaying, the
                                    compound variable 'list' will never
                                    change! If this is not set, the list
                                    is displayed in alphabetical order.

               window.multiselect - Enables or disables multiselection.

                                    TRUE  - multiselection enabled
                                    FALSE - multiselection disabled

                                    If this is not set, multiselection
                                    is enabled.

     destvar - A compound variable to store the selected entries. The
               format is similar to the compound variable 'list':

               destvar.0 - the number of selected entries
               destvar.1 - the first selected entry
               destvar.2 - the second selected entry
               destvar.n - the n'th selected entry

               When the function exits, you can read the contents with
               a 'DO i = 1 TO destvar.0' loop. If multiselection is off,
               you can find the selected entry in 'destvar.1'.

               There is a another field in this compound variable:
               destvar.gadget - The number of the action gadget, on
                                which the user has clicked to close the
                                window. The gadgets are numbered from
                                the left to the right, beginning with 1.
                                The rightmost gadget (Cancel), and also
                                the close gadget of the window, sets
                                destvar.gadget to 0.

     boolean - 1 if at least one entry was selected
               0 if no entries are selected or for an error

     /* Open listview window and display all selected entries */

     list.0 = 4
     list.1 = 'Hello'
     list.2 = 'Good morning'
     list.3 = 'Bye bye'
     list.4 = 'Nice to see you'

     window.title      = 'Please select'
     window.gadgettext = '_Yes|_Use|_Edit|_Cancel'
     window.pubscreen  = 'MICRODOT'
     window.font       = 'SCREEN'
     window.sort       = 'TRUE'

     IF VIEWLIST('list','window','destvar') THEN DO
        SAY 'Number of selected entries   :' destvar.0
        SAY 'Number of the selected gadget:' destvar.gadget

        DO i = 1 TO destvar.0
           SAY destvar.i

     The VIEWLIST() window


     dummy = BEEP()

     dummy = RXTR_BEEP()

     Beep all screens.


     dummy - 1

     /* Beep screens */

     dummy = BEEP()





     Returns the name of the default public screen.


     screen - Name of the current default public screen.

     /* Get default public screen */

     SAY 'Default public screen is:' screen



     oldscreen = SETDEFAULTPUBSCREEN(newscreen)

     oldscreen = RXTR_SETDEFAULTPUBSCREEN(newscreen)

     Sets a new default public screen, the name of the old screen is

     newscreen - Name of the new default public screen. If this is omitted,
                 the screen 'Workbench' is used.

     oldscreen - Name of the old default public screen.

     /* Set the screen of Cygnus ED as default public screen */

     oldscreen = SETDEFAULTPUBSCREEN('CygnusEdScreen1')
     SAY 'Old default public screen was:' oldscreen



     publicmodes = GETPUBSCREENMODES()

     publicmodes = RXTR_GETPUBSCREENMODES()

     Returns the global intuition public screen modes.


     publicmodes - A string of two characters. The first character
                   represents the SHANGHAI mode, the second character
                   represents the POPPUBSCREEN mode.

                   If SHANGHAI mode is on, all workbench windows
                   are opened on the default public screen.

                   If POPPUBSCREEN mode is on, a public screen pops to the
                   front of the display when a window opens on the screen.

                   -- SHANGHAI and POPPUBSCREEN off

                   S- SHANGHAI on

                   -P POPPUBSCREEN on

                   SP SHANGHAI and POPPUBSCREEN on

     /* Get current public screen modes */

     publicmodes = GETPUBSCREENMODES()
     SAY 'Pubscreen modes:' publicmodes



     oldmodes = SETPUBSCREENMODES(publicmodes)

     oldmodes = RXTR_SETPUBSCREENMODES(publicmodes)

     Sets the global intuition public screen modes.

     publicmodes - A string of two characters. The first character
                   represents the ::SHANGHAI mode, the second character
                   represents the ::POPPUBSCREEN mode.

                   If ::SHANGHAI mode is on, all workbench windows
                   are opened on the default public screen.

                   If ::POPPUBSCREEN mode is on, a public screen pops to the
                   front of the display when a window opens on the screen.

                   -- SHANGHAI and POPPUBSCREEN off

                   S- SHANGHAI on

                   -P POPPUBSCREEN on

                   SP SHANGHAI and POPPUBSCREEN on

     oldmodes    - The old public screen modes.

     /* Turn on SHANGHAI mode, and turn off POPPUBSCREEN mode */

     oldmodes = SETPUBSCREENMODES('S-')
     SAY 'Old public screen modes:' oldmodes



     boolean = PUBSCREENTOFRONT(screen)

     boolean = RXTR_PUBSCREENTOFRONT(screen)

     Brings a public screen to the front of the display.

     screen  - Name of the public screen

     boolean - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* Bring the screen of Cygnus ED to the front */

        SAY 'Cygnus ED is in front of the display!'
        SAY 'Error, cannot bring Cygnus ED to the front!'



     boolean = PUBSCREENTOBACK(screen)

     boolean = RXTR_PUBSCREENTOBACK(screen)

     Sends a public screen to the back of the display.

     screen  - Name of the public screen

     boolean - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* Send workbench screen to the back */

        SAY 'Workbench is in the back of the display!'
        SAY 'Error, cannot send workbench screen to the back!'



     boolean = PUBSCREENLIST(destvar)

     boolean = RXTR_PUBSCREENLIST(destvar)

     Creates a list of all public screens currently open.

     destvar - Compound variable to store the public screen names,
               the names are stored as follows:

               destvar.0 - the number of public screens
               destvar.1 - the name of the first public screen
               destvar.2 - the name of the second public screen
               destvar.n - the name of the n'th public screen

     boolean - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* Display a list of all public screens */

     IF PUBSCREENLIST('screenlist') THEN DO
        SAY 'Number of public screens:' screenlist.0
        DO i = 1 TO screenlist.0
           SAY screenlist.i



     value = GETTOOLTYPEVALUE(filename,keyword)

     value = RXTR_GETTOOLTYPEVALUE(filename,keyword)

     Returns the value of a tooltype. Tooltype Format is =

     filename - Name of the icon file, without suffix '.info'!!!

     keyword  - Keyword of the tooltype to search for

     value    - The value associated with the specified keyword or an
                empty string '' if the keyword has no value. If the
                keyword or the icon doesn't exist, value will be an
                empty string '' too. In this case, the variable ::RC
                is set to 10.

     /* Get hotkey of CrossDOS commodity */

     hotkey = GETTOOLTYPEVALUE('SYS:Wbstartup/CrossDOS','CX_POPKEY')

     IF hotkey ~= '' THEN
        SAY 'Hotkey is:' hotkey
     ELSE DO
        IF RC = 0 THEN
           SAY 'Tooltype 'CX_POPKEY' has no value!'
           SAY 'Icon or Tooltype doesn't exist!'



     boolean = SETTOOLTYPEVALUE(filename,keyword,value)

     boolean = RXTR_SETTOOLTYPEVALUE(filename,keyword,value)

     Creates a tooltype entry = and stores it in the icon,
     an existing entry will be replaced.

     filename - Name of the icon file, without suffix '.info'!!!

     keyword  - The keyword of the tooltype entry

     value    - The value of the tooltype entry, you can specify an empty
                string to set the keyword as entry without value.

     boolean  - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* Set the hotkey of CrossDOS commodity */

     IF SETTOOLTYPEVALUE('SYS:Wbstartup/CrossDOS','CX_POPKEY','alt f1') THEN
        SAY 'Hotkey is set to !'
        SAY 'Error setting the hotkey!'



     boolean = GETTOOLTYPES(filename,stemvar)

     boolean = RXTR_GETTOOLTYPES(filename,stemvar)

     Creates a list of all tooltype entries stored in the icon.

     filename - Name of the icon file, without suffix '.info'!!!

     stemvar  - Compound variable to store the tooltype entries, each
                element will be one entry:

                stemvar.0 - the number of tooltype entries
                stemvar.1 - the first tooltype entry
                stemvar.2 - the second tooltype entry
                stemvar.n - the n'th tooltype entry

     boolean  - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* Get all tooltypes of the CrossDOS commodity */

     IF GETTOOLTYPES('SYS:Wbstartup/CrossDOS','tooltypes') THEN DO
        SAY 'Number of tooltypes:' tooltypes.0

        DO i = 1 TO tooltypes.0
           SAY tooltypes.i
        SAY 'Error reading tooltypes!'



     boolean = SETTOOLTYPES(filename,tooltypes)

     boolean = RXTR_SETTOOLTYPES(filename,tooltypes)

     Sets the tooltype entries of an icon, all existing entries will be

     filename  - Name of the icon file, without suffix '.info'!!!

     tooltypes - Compound variable which contents the new tooltype entries,
                 this variable must have the following format:

                 tooltypes.0 - must be the number of tooltype entries
                 tooltypes.1 - must be the first entry
                 tooltypes.2 - must be the second entry
                 tooltypes.n - must be the n'th entry

     boolean   - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* Set tooltypes of the CrossDOS commodity */

     tooltypes.0 = 6
     tooltypes.1 = '«PC0,FILTER,TRANS,INTL.crossdos»'
     tooltypes.2 = '«PC1,FILTER,TRANS,INTL.crossdos»'
     tooltypes.3 = 'DONOTWAIT'
     tooltypes.4 = 'CX_POPUP=NO'
     tooltypes.5 = 'CX_PRIORITY=0'
     tooltypes.6 = 'CX_POPKEY=ctrl alt c'

     IF SETTOOLTYPES('SYS:Wbstartup/CrossDOS','tooltypes') THEN
        SAY 'New tooltypes are set!'
        SAY 'Error setting tooltypes!'



     defaulttool = GETDEFAULTTOOL(filename)

     defaulttool = RXTR_GETDEFAULTTOOL(filename)

     Returns the default tool of a ::project or ::disk icon. All other icon
     types have no default tool, then an empty string is returned.

     filename    - Name of the icon file, without suffix '.info'!!!

     defaulttool - The default tool of the icon. The function will return
                   an empty string '' if no default tool is set or for
                   an error. If an error occurs, the variable ::RC
                   is set to 10.

     /* Get default tool of the boot disk */

     prg = GETDEFAULTTOOL('SYS:disk')

     IF prg ~= '' THEN
        SAY 'Default tool is:' prg
     ELSE DO
        IF RC = 0 THEN
           SAY 'No default tool found!'
           SAY 'Error, cannot get default tool!'



     boolean = SETDEFAULTTOOL(filename,defaulttool)

     boolean = RXTR_SETDEFAULTTOOL(filename,defaulttool)

     Sets the default tool of a project, or disk icon.

     filename    - Name of the icon file, without suffix '.info'!!!

     defaulttool - The new default tool.

     boolean     - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* Set default tool of the boot disk */

     IF SETDEFAULTTOOL('SYS:disk','SYS:System/DiskCopy') THEN
        SAY 'Default tool is set!'
        SAY 'Error, cannot set default tool!'



     stacksize = GETSTACK(filename)

     stacksize = RXTR_GETSTACK(filename)

     Returns the stacksize of a tool or project icon. All other icon
     types have no stacksize, then an empty string is returned.

     filename  - Name of the icon file, without suffix '.info'!!!

     stacksize - The stacksize of the icon. The function will return
                 an empty string '' if the icon has no stacksize entry
                 or for an error. If an error occurs, the variable ::RC
                 is set to 10.

     /* Get stacksize of CrossDOS commodity */

     stack = GETSTACK('SYS:Wbstartup/CrossDOS')

     IF stack ~= '' THEN
        SAY 'Stacksize is' stack 'bytes!'
     ELSE DO
        IF RC = 0 THEN
           SAY 'No stacksize found!'
           SAY 'Error, cannot get stacksize!'



     boolean = SETSTACK(filename,stacksizee)

     boolean = RXTR_SETSTACK(filename,stacksize)

     Sets the stacksize of a tool, or project icon.

     filename  - Name of the icon file, without suffix '.info'!!!

     stacksize - The new stacksize.

     boolean   - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* Set stacksize of CrossDOS commodity */

     IF SETSTACK('SYS:Wbstartup/CrossDOS',10240) THEN
        SAY 'Stacksize is set to 10240 bytes!'
        SAY 'Error, cannot set stacksize!'



     boolean = CREATEICON(filename,sourceicon,tooltypes,defaulttool,stacksize)

     boolean = RXTR_CREATEICON(filename,sourceicon,tooltypes,defaulttool,stacksize)

     Creates a new icon, type and images are taken from the source icon.

     filename    - Name of the new icon, without suffix '.info'!!!

     sourceicon  - Name of the source icon, without suffix '.info'!!!
                   Icon type and images of this icon are used to create
                   the new icon.

     tooltypes   - Compound variable which contents the tooltype entries.
                   If this is omitted, all tooltypes of the source icon
                   are copied into the new icon. This variable must have
                   the following format:

                   tooltypes.0 - must be the number of tooltype entries
                   tooltypes.1 - must be the first entry
                   tooltypes.2 - must be the second entry
                   tooltypes.n - must be the n'th entry

     defaulttool - The default tool of the new icon. If this is omitted,
                   the default tool of the source icon is used.

     stacksize   - The stacksize of the new icon. If this is omitted, the
                   stacksize of the source icon is used.

     boolean     - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* Create a project icon for a textfile */

     tooltypes.0 = 1
     tooltypes.1 = 'FILETYPE=Text'

     IF CREATEICON('DH0:Text.txt','ENV:sys/def_Project','tooltypes','C:Ed',8192) THEN
        SAY 'Icon created successfully!'
        SAY 'Error creating the icon!'



     boolean = WBINFO(filename,pubscreen)

     boolean = RXTR_WBINFO(filename,pubscreen)

     Calls the icon information window from workbench and opens it on a
     public screen.

     filename  - Name of the icon to edit, without suffix '.info'!!!

     pubscreen - Name of a public screen to open the window on. If this
                 is omitted, the default public screen is used.

     boolean   - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* Edit icon of the CrossDOS commodity on the CygnusEd screen */

     IF WBINFO('SYS:Wbstartup/CrossDOS','CygnusEdScreen1') THEN
        SAY 'Okay, no errors!'
        SAY 'Error, cannot open the window!'



     type = WHATIS(filename)

     type = RXTR_WHATIS(filename)

     Recognizes the type of a file using 'whatis.library V4.0+' and returns
     the description string of the filetype.

     filename - Name of the file

     type     - A string which describes the type of the file. You can
                get a list of all possible filetypes with WHATISTYPES().

     /* Recognize the type of 'S:User-Startup' */

     type = WHATIS('S:User-Startup')
     SAY 'Filetype of S:User-Startup is:' type



     boolean = WHATISTYPES(destvar)

     boolean = RXTR_WHATISTYPES(destvar)

     Scans 'whatis.library' for all currently known filetypes and stores
     the description strings in a compound variable.

     destvar - Compound variable to store the description strings
               of the filetypes:

               destvar.0 - the number of filetypes
               destvar.1 - description string of the first filetype
               destvar.2 - description string of the second filetype
               destvar.n - description string of the n'th filetype

     boolean - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* Display all filetypes of 'whatis.library' */

     IF WHATISTYPES('destvar') THEN DO
        SAY 'Number of filetypes:' destvar.0
        DO i = 1 TO destvar.0
           SAY destvar.i



     type = FILEID_IDENTIFY(filename,mode)

     type = RXTR_FILEID_IDENTIFY(filename,mode)

     Recognizes the type of a file using 'FileID.library V7.0+' and returns
     the description string or the ID number of the filetype.

     filename - Name of the file

     mode     - Specifies whether the description string or the ID
                number of the filetype should be returned.

                Possible keywords:

                'DESCRIPTION' or 'D' - Result is the description string
                                       of the filetype

                'ID' or 'I'          - Result is the ID number of the

                                       See FILEID_GETHIGHID().
                                       See FILEID_GETIDSTRING().

                If this argument is omitted, the description string is

     type     - The filetype, depending on the 'mode' argument.

     /* Recognize teh type of 'LIBS:rexxtricks.library' */

     type = FILEID_IDENTIFY('LIBS:rexxtricks.library','ID')
     SAY 'Filetype ID of LIBS:rexxtricks.library is:' type

     type = FILEID_IDENTIFY('LIBS:rexxtricks.library')
     SAY 'Filetype description of LIBS:rexxtricks.library is:' type





     Returns the maximum filetype ID number of 'FileID.library', this is
     also the number of known filetypes.


     id - Maximum ID number and number of known filetypes

     /* Display number of known filetypes */

     SAY 'Number of filetypes:' FILEID_GETHIGHID()



     string = FILEID_GETIDSTRING(id)


     Returns the description string of a filetype ID.

     id     - The ID number of the filetype

     string - The description string of the specified ID number

     /* Display description of ID 25 */

     SAY 'ID number 25 is:' FILEID_GETIDSTRING(25)



     boolean = FILEID_GETTYPES(destvar)

     boolean = RXTR_FILEID_GETTYPES(destvar)

     Scans 'FileID.library' for all currently known filetypes and stores
     the description strings in a compound variable.

     destvar - Compound variable to store the description strings
               of the filetypes:

               destvar.0 - the number of filetypes
               destvar.1 - description string of the filetype ID 1
               destvar.2 - description string of the filetype ID 2
               destvar.n - description string of the filetype ID n

               The description string of ID number 0 cannot be stored
               because 'destvar.0' contains the number of filetypes!

               The description of filetype 0 is:'unknown data file'.

     boolean - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* Display all filetypes of 'FileID.library' */

        SAY 'Number of filetypes:' destvar.0
        DO i = 1 TO destvar.0
           SAY RIGHT(i,4) destvar.i



     crc = CRC32(filename,verbose)

     crc = RXTR_CRC32(filename,verbose)

     Calculates the 32-Bit CRC checksum of a file.

     filename - Name of the file

     verbose  - Specifies the format of the result 'crc'.

                Possible keywords are 'VERBOSE' or 'V', if this is
                specified 'crc' is a string of four words:

                   1. word - checksum hexadecimal
                   2. word - checksum decimal
                   3. word - complement of the checksum hexadecimal
                   4. word - complement of the checksum decimal

                If this argument is omitted, 'crc' is the hexadecimal
                complement of the checksum.

     crc      - Checksum of the file depending on the 'verbose' argument.

     /* Calculate the checksum of 'S:User-Startup' */

     crc = CRC32('S:User-Startup')
     SAY 'Checksum =' crc



     count = COUNTCHARS(string,characters)

     count = RXTR_COUNTCHARS(string,characters)

     Counts the number of occurances of the specified characters in the
     string. The search is case sensitive.

     string     - The string in which the characters should be searched

     characters - The characters to count

     count      - The number of occurances of the specified 'characters'
                  in the 'string':

                  COUNTCHARS('aa,bb,cc,dd,ee','c,') returns 6
                  COUNTCHARS('aa,bb,cc,dd,ee',',')  returns 4
                  COUNTCHARS('aa,bb,cc,dd,ee','c')  returns 2

     /* Count chars in a string */

     count = COUNTCHARS('Halli, hallo!','hH')
     SAY 'The characters h and H are' count 'times in the string.'



     integer = RAND(min,max)

     integer = RXTR_RAND(min,max)

     Returns a random number.

     min     - The minimal possible number

     max     - The maximal possible number

     integer - A random number between 'min' and 'max'

     /* Display random numbers between 1 and 100 */

     DO i = 1 TO 20
        SAY RAND(1,100)



     version = REXXTRICKSVERSION()


     Returns the version of 'rexxtricks.library'


     version - The version in the following format:VERSION.REVISION

     /* Display the version of 'rexxtricks.library' */

     version = REXXTRICKSVERSION()
     SAY 'You are using rexxtricks.library version' version



     boolean = UUDECODE(sourcefile,destdir,destfile)

     boolean = RXTR_UUDECODE(sourcefile,destdir,destfile)

     Decodes an uuencoded file and saves the binary files in the specified
     destination directory.

     sourcefile - Name of the file, that contains one or more uuencoded
                  binary files. All contained files will be decoded.

                  Also it is possible to decode multipart uuencoded files.
                  All parts must be in the same directory and must have the
                  following format (e.g. 3 parts):

                  Part 1 - name:   uufile.uaa

                           contents:begin 644 binary.lha
                                     include uufile.uab

                  Part 2 - name:   uufile.uab

                           contents:begin part b uufile.uab
                                     include uufile.uac

                  Part 3 - name:   uufile.uac

                           contents:begin part c uufile.uac

                  To decode multipart uuencoded files of this format, simply
                  specify the filename of the first part at the 'filename'
                  argument. The decoding of all other parts is controlled by
                  the 'include' lines. It's very important that all parts
                  have the correct filename!

     destdir    - All decoded binary files are saved to this directory.

     destfile   - This argument is optional and should be used in special
                  cases only. If a filename is specified here, this name is
                  used for the first decoded binary file and the filename
                  specified at the 'begin' line in the sourcefile is then

     boolean    - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

                  Informations about the error are stored in the following
                  variables if UUDECODE() fails:


                     This variable contains an error number:
                     1 - cannot open a file
                     2 - incorrect or missing include-file
                     3 - 'begin' line not found
                     4 - incorrect checksum of a line
                     5 - error reading from a file
                     6 - error writing to a file
                     7 - incorrect size of the decoded binary file
                     8 - unexpected end of the sourcefile


                     This variable contains an error message.


                     This variable contains the name of the file, in
                     which the error has occured.


                     On error 4, this variable contains the number
                     of the line with the incorrect checksum. On all
                     other errors, this variable is set to 0.


                     On error 7, this variable contains the expected
                     size of the decoded binary file. On all other
                     errors, this variable is set to 0.

     /* uudecode the file 'DH0:Test.uaa' to 'RAM:' */

     IF UUDECODE('DH0:Test.uaa','RAM:') THEN
        SAY 'Decoding successful, all binary files saved!'
        SAY 'Error decoding file:' uuerror_text



     boolean = UUENCODE(file,uufile,limit,suffix)

     boolean = RXTR_UUENCODE(file,uufile,limit,suffix)

     Converts a binary file to pure ASCII so that it can be transmitted on
     a network which doesn't allow binary data.

     file    - Name of the binary file to encode

     uufile  - Name of the uuencoded file. An existing suffix is replaced
               by '.uaa', '.uab', '.uac' etc., depending on the number of
               the created parts.

               The output format is similar to the format described in the
               chapter 'UUDECODE()'. See UUDECODE().

     limit   - The maximum size of a part in KB, allowed are 16, 32, 64,
               128, 256 and 512. 'limit' is optional, the binary file is
               encoded in one part if 'limit' is omitted.

     suffix  - With this switch you can specify that an existing suffix
               should not be replaced, '.uaa' etc. is appended in that
               case. Possible keywords are 'SUFFIX' or 'S'.

               If this argument is omitted, an existing suffix is replaced.

     boolean - 1 if successful, 0 for an error

     /* Encode file 'DH0:Test.lha' to 'RAM:Test.uXX', */
     /* maximum size of a part is 64KB */

     IF UUENCODE('DH0:Test.lha','RAM:Test',64) THEN
        SAY 'Encoding of the file was successful!'
        SAY 'Error encoding file!'


:VIEWLIST() How to

How to use the VIEWLIST() window

::Entries in the window:
     normal entry         - text color of the screen without background

     selected entry       - text color and fill color of the screen

     actual entry         - a frame is drawn around the entry

     scroller             - scrolls the list up and down

     All                  - selects all entries

     Pattern              - selects all entries which are matching the
                            pattern in the string gadget

     Toggle               - toggles all entries

     None                 - deselects all entries

     Search               - searches the next entry which matches the
                            pattern in the string gadget

     string gadget        - AmigaDOS pattern to select or search for

     Use                  - closes the window and returns all selected

     Cancel               - cancels selection and closes the window

     close gadget         - cancels selection and closes the window

::Mouse buttons:
     left button          - selects the entry under the pointer and
                            deselects all other entries

     shift left button    - toggles the entry under the pointer

     doubleclick          - closes the window and returns all selected

     cursor up/down       - moves the actual entry up and down

     shift cursor up/down - moves the actual entry one page up and down

     ctrl cursor up/down  - moves the actual entry to start or end of
                            the list

     return, enter, space - selects or deselects the actual entry

     tab                  - activates the string gadget

     esc                  - cancels selection and closes the window, same
                            as close gadget


 Addresses                              Author
 Append a filename to the end of a path MAKEPATH()
 Append a suffix to the end of a filenameMAKESUFFIX()
 Author                                 Author
 BEEP()                                 BEEP()
 Bildschirm blitzen                     BEEP()
 Bring a public screen to the front     PUBSCREENTOFRONT()
 BSEARCH()                              BSEARCH()
 Calculate 32-Bit CRC checksum of a fileCRC32()
 Call the icon information window from workbench (OS3.0+)WBINFO()
 Check for a pattern match with a stringMATCHPATTERN()
 Copy elements of a compound variable   STEMCOPY()
 Copyright                              Copyright
 Copyright notice                       Copyright
 Count chars in a string                COUNTCHARS()
 COUNTCHARS()                           COUNTCHARS()
 CRC32()                                CRC32()
 CRC32()                                CRC32()
 Create a new Icon                      CREATEICON()
 CREATEICON()                           CREATEICON()
 Credits                                Credits
 Display list in a listview window      VIEWLIST()
 Extract dirname from path              PATHPART()
 Extract filename from path             FILEPART()
 FILEID_GETTYPES()                      FILEID_GETTYPES()
 FILEID_IDENTIFY()                      FILEID_IDENTIFY()
 FILEPART()                             FILEPART()
 :BEEP()                        BEEP()
 :BSEARCH()                     BSEARCH()
 :COUNTCHARS()                  COUNTCHARS()
 :CRC32()                       CRC32()
 :CREATEICON()                  CREATEICON()
 :FILEPART()                    FILEPART()
 :GETCOMMENT()                  GETCOMMENT()
 :GETDIR()                      GETDIR()
 :GETENV()                      GETENV()
 :GETKEY()                      GETKEY()
 :GETSTACK()                    GETSTACK()
 :LSEARCH()                     LSEARCH()
 :MAKEPATH()                    MAKEPATH()
 :MAKESUFFIX()                  MAKESUFFIX()
 :PATHPART()                    PATHPART()
 :QSORT()                       QSORT()
 :RAND()                        RAND()
 :READFILE()                    READFILE()
 :READLINES()                   READLINES()
 :SCSI_PRODUCT()                SCSI_PRODUCT()
 :SETCOMMENT()                  SETCOMMENT()
 :SETENV()                      SETENV()
 :SETSTACK()                    SETSTACK()
 :STEMCOPY()                    STEMCOPY()
 :STEMINSERT()                  STEMINSERT()
 :STEMREMOVE()                  STEMREMOVE()
 :SUFFIXPART()                  SUFFIXPART()
 :UNSETENV()                    UNSETENV()
 :UUDECODE()                    UUDECODE()
 :UUENCODE()                    UUENCODE()
 :VIEWLIST()                    VIEWLIST()
 :WBINFO()                      WBINFO()
 :WHATIS()                      WHATIS()
 :WHATISTYPES()                 WHATISTYPES()
 :WRITEFILE()                   WRITEFILE()
 :WRITELINES()                  WRITELINES()
 :Library functions
 Get a list of all 'FileID.library' filetypesFILEID_GETTYPES()
 Get a list of all 'whatis.library' filetypesWHATISTYPES()
 Get a random number                    RAND()
 Get all tooltypes of an icon           GETTOOLTYPES()
 Get comment of a file                  GETCOMMENT()
 Get current public screen modes        GETPUBSCREENMODES()
 Get default tool of an icon            GETDEFAULTTOOL()
 Get environment variable               GETENV()
 Get list of all public screens currently openPUBSCREENLIST()
 Get maximum filetype ID of 'FileID.library'FILEID_GETHIGHID()
 Get name of the default public screen  GETDEFAULTPUBSCREEN()
 Get protection flags of a file         GETPROTECTION()
 Get the description of a filtype ID    FILEID_GETIDSTRING()
 Get the manufacturer of a SCSI peripheralSCSI_MANUFACTURER()
 Get the product string of a SCSI peripheralSCSI_PRODUCT()
 Get the revision string of a SCSI peripheralSCSI_REVISION()
 Get the stacksize of an icon           GETSTACK()
 Get the suffix of a filename           SUFFIXPART()
 Get the type of a SCSI peripheral, DISK, TAPE etc.SCSI_DEVICETYPE()
 Get the value of a tooltype            GETTOOLTYPEVALUE()
 Get version of rexxtricks.library      REXXTRICKSVERSION()
 GETCOMMENT()                           GETCOMMENT()
 GETDEFAULTTOOL()                       GETDEFAULTTOOL()
 GETDIR()                               GETDIR()
 GETENV()                               GETENV()
 GETKEY()                               GETKEY()
 GETPROTECTION()                        GETPROTECTION()
 GETSTACK()                             GETSTACK()
 GETTOOLTYPES()                         GETTOOLTYPES()
 History                                History
 How to use the VIEWLIST() window       The VIEWLIST() window
 Index                                  Index
 Insert elements in a compound variable STEMINSERT()
 Installation                           Installation
 Keyboard shortcuts                     The VIEWLIST() window
 Library functions                      Library functions
 LSEARCH()                              LSEARCH()
 MAKEPATH()                             MAKEPATH()
 MAKESUFFIX()                           MAKESUFFIX()
 MATCHPATTERN()                         MATCHPATTERN()
 PATHPART()                             PATHPART()
 PUBSCREENLIST()                        PUBSCREENLIST()
 PUBSCREENLIST()                        PUBSCREENLIST()
 QSORT()                                QSORT()
 RAND()                                 RAND()
 Read a part of a textfile into a compound variableREADLINES()
 Read a textfile into a compound variableREADFILE()
 Read directory into a compound variableGETDIR()
 Read text from clipboard               READCLIPBOARD()
 READCLIPBOARD()                        READCLIPBOARD()
 READFILE()                             READFILE()
 READLINES()                            READLINES()
 Recognize the type of a file using 'FileID.library'FILEID_IDENTIFY()
 Recognize the type of a file using 'whatis.library'WHATIS()
 Remove elements of a compound variable STEMREMOVE()
 Remove environment variable            UNSETENV()
 Replace or insert lines in a textfile  WRITELINES()
 Requirements                           Requirements
 SCSI_DEVICETYPE()                      SCSI_DEVICETYPE()
 SCSI_PRODUCT()                         SCSI_PRODUCT()
 SCSI_REVISION()                        SCSI_REVISION()
 SCSI_TESTREADY()                       SCSI_TESTREADY()
 Search for pattern in a textfile       SEARCHPATTERN()
 Search string with Binary Search       BSEARCH()
 Search string with Linear Search       LSEARCH()
 SEARCHPATTERN()                        SEARCHPATTERN()
 Send a public screen to the back       PUBSCREENTOBACK()
 Set all tooltypes of an icon           SETTOOLTYPES()
 Set comment on a file                  SETCOMMENT()
 Set default tool of an icon            SETDEFAULTTOOL()
 Set environment variable               SETENV()
 Set new default public screen          SETDEFAULTPUBSCREEN()
 Set new public screen modes            SETPUBSCREENMODES()
 Set protection flags of a file         SETPROTECTION()
 Set the stacksize of an icon           SETSTACK()
 Set the value of a tooltype            SETTOOLTYPEVALUE()
 SETCOMMENT()                           SETCOMMENT()
 SETDEFAULTTOOL()                       SETDEFAULTTOOL()
 SETENV()                               SETENV()
 SETPROTECTION()                        SETPROTECTION()
 SETSTACK()                             SETSTACK()
 SETTOOLTYPES()                         SETTOOLTYPES()
 Sort list with QuickSort               QSORT()
 STEMCOPY()                             STEMCOPY()
 STEMINSERT()                           STEMINSERT()
 STEMREMOVE()                           STEMREMOVE()
 SUFFIXPART()                           SUFFIXPART()
 Support-Mailbox                        Author
 Test whether a SCSI peripheral is ready or notSCSI_TESTREADY()
 The VIEWLIST() window                  The VIEWLIST() window
 UNSETENV()                             UNSETENV()
 uudecode a file                        UUDECODE()
 UUDECODE()                             UUDECODE()
 uuencode a file                        UUENCODE()
 UUENCODE()                             UUENCODE()
 VIEWLIST()                             VIEWLIST()
 Wait for a key at console window       GETKEY()
 WBINFO()                               WBINFO()
 WHATIS()                               WHATIS()
 WHATISTYPES()                          WHATISTYPES()
 WHATISTYPES()                          WHATISTYPES()
 Write contents of a compound variable to a textfileWRITEFILE()
 Write text to clipboard                WRITECLIPBOARD()
 WRITECLIPBOARD()                       WRITECLIPBOARD()
 WRITEFILE()                            WRITEFILE()
 WRITELINES()                           WRITELINES()