Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 2002 Timothy Rue ( Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the file fdl.html ***THIS TEXT IS NOT CURRENT - Provided only for historical reference. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (KE) KEy (or Knowledge Enable) KE - constrain access and use of definitions (KE) KEy - The concept of KEy is best described as using keys to open doors to knowledge and parts usage. It allows "IQ/ID" knowledge constraints to be applied and has the trade off of search time. More constrained, faster search. Keys can be created, changed and removed from the current KE file through "KE". The current KE file can be created, changed or removed through "PK". Keys can have teeth and a master key can exist in the PK file. Keyholes and Keys - pattern matching KE flags are to allow changing the rules on keyhole usage within the IQ/ID files. This will allow different formated knowledge to be used. Also for constraining IQ/ID search to a standard grep type search. This needs to be worked out. File keyholes - When a file keyhole is encountered the following sequence happens: 1) A matching file-key is looked for in the current KE file. If not found, skips file. If found goes to #2. 2) The file-key teeth and master-key teeth are comparied with the file, that keyhole points to, keychain (a commented header that contains a list of all non-word key-teeth in the file, including the blank-key for definitions without a definition-key). If there is not a fit, skips the file. If there is a fit goes to #3. 3) The internal IQ/ID "searched file list" is searched for a matching "path:filename:date/time" of the file to open. If not found, add the file to the top of the IQ/ID stack and internal list, and continues the search in this file. If found then goes to #4. 4) PKs IQ/ID line/stack is searched for the filename and if found, moves it to the top of the stack and continues the search in this file on the line where it left off. If not found, skips the file because it has already been searched. On key-holes: The word-keyhole is pattern-matched with the IQ word arguement or variable value. The file-keyhole is pattern-matched with keys in the KE-file. The definition-keyhole is pattern-matched with keys in the KE-file. The class-x pattern is checked to see if it is either a parent/ansestor, child, or self ; with the class-x tag given in the OI-file, looking at the KE-file for the relationships. The *CLASS* keyhole checks to see if the variable class-x exist anywhere in the KE-file. "KE" files ------------------------------------------------------------- file-keys file-key ;; key-tooth , key-tooth , ... file-key definition-keys definition-key definition-key ;; class class ;; child-class , child-class , ... class ; parent-class ; child-class , child-class , ... class ; parent-class ;; KE To be used by IQ and ID mainly. KE returns PK KE line. KE -? help on KE. KE -ke returns current keychain list w/values. KE keyname returns value of keyname if exist. KE -c keyname cancels keyname. KE -c keyname key-teeth creates or changes keyname. KE - "keyname : key-teeth/-p@name (to compare w/file-comment) :level-check" key-teeth/-p@name: user definable but defaults/examples are: -t = text -e = executable calls -s = shell script code -ed = education -ref = referance -appl = application