AI  PK <file> OI <file> IP <line> OP <line>      | { Alternating Interface }
    SF <file/line> IQ <file> ID <file> KE <file> | AI -? = help-> this text.
| Internal AI commands given w/o arguments echo contents of commands Line.
| (*Default = unable to have null, giving a value when none is supplied.)
|    PK -c  <pk, oi, ip, op, sf, iq, id, ke>  { PlaceKeeper }
|       OI -c <var> -i<S>   { Obtain Input, Output-Input to Variable.}
|    -------------------
|         IP		{ InPut default set }
|         OP	        { OutPut default set }		      -i |
|====================================================    -c  ----|  -?
|  (+Stack = File@Line#,File@Line#,etc)|        	      -o |
|       			       |
|     SF  { Script-File }              | -c = create, change, cancel
|				       | -i = bypass IP set with <Set>
|       IQ -c <word> -o<S> {Index Que} | -o = bypass OP set with <Set>
|       ID -c <word> -o<S> {IDentity}  | -? = Help { Any-Command -? }
|   -------------------		       |____________________________
|     *   KE -c {* NO stack. KEy determines IQ, ID stack w/opt command}
| Exceptions: O- I -Q -D    -c <var/word> <filename\KE filename> -i\o<S>
                                            Timothy Rue (AAi member)