SF-LPC flags
A - auto-processing (default)
S - step-processing (S = S1)
S# - Step Processing and level of (optional). (levels yet to be determined)
I - interactive mode = S0 (Step processing is inherently interactive but at '0'
level SF processing doesn't step, but only prompts user for a SF line to
process when it has nothing to do. It does not step in processing the line.)
E - enable SF (default)
B - bypass SF processing (IQ and ID out is directly to OP setting direction)
D - disable SF processing (Suspends SF leaving only AI processing available)
+/- (V)ariables: +V process VIC variables (default), -V don't process VIC variables
+/- (C)ommands: +C process VIC commands (default), -C don't process VIC commands
T filename - tee to file (Append to file)
R filename - redirection to file (Append to file)
1- 2 3 4 5 6-----------
A(-) E(-) V(+) C(+) (-) -------(32 char)-------
S# B - - T - filename
I D R - filename
Default value:
-- - + + - ---
S2 B + + T teefile
Copyright © 1996, 2001, 2002 by Timothy V. Rue